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[https://blog.logrocket.com/8-dom-features-you-didnt-know-existed-ec2a0a28fd89/] - - public:xxx
development, DOM, elements, html, javascript, snippets, tricks, webdev - 8 | id:253680 -

With so much focus on tooling lately, it’s nice to take a break from all of the React and npm-install-everything posts and take a closer look at some pure DOM and Web API features that work in modern browsers with no dependencies. This post will consider eight lesser-known DOM features that have strong browser support. […]

[https://30-seconds.github.io/30-seconds-of-css/] - - public:xxx
code, css, sample, snippets, webdesign, webdev - 6 | id:226356 -

A curated collection of useful CSS snippets you can understand in 30 seconds or less. From foundational elements such as clearfix to gradient text color and gradient cursor tracking to CSS easing and far beyond.

[http://niceverynice.com/little-widgets/preview/?ref=producthunt] - - public:xxx
code, html, snippets, webdesign, webdev, widget - 6 | id:83041 -

Little Widgets contains 24 thoughtful, professionally designed HTML5/CSS3 website popups and widgets. These popups will help you to subscribe new audience on your website, share new content like blog posts and products, register new users.

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