東元綜合醫院 藥劑部 [http://w3.tyh.com.tw/medweb/php/newinfo.php?id=221] - 2005-04-05 00:59:37 - public:speqz medicine - 1 | id:253271 -
Cascading Style Cheatsheet [http://home.tampabay.rr.com/bmerkey/cheatsheet.htm] - 2005-03-30 13:56:46 - public:speqz web - 1 | id:253272 -
adaptive path » ajax: a new approach to web applications [http://www.adaptivepath.com/publications/essays/archives/000385.php] - 2005-03-27 20:38:34 - public:speqz ajax - 1 | id:253273 -
FireTune [http://www.totalidea.com/freestuff4.htm] - 2005-03-27 16:32:45 - public:speqz firefox - 1 | id:253274 -
alexking.org: WordPress Theme Browser [http://www.alexking.org/software/wordpress/theme_browser.php] - 2005-03-27 16:00:37 - public:speqz wordpress - 1 | id:253275 -
Secrets of Firefox 1.0 [http://windowssecrets.com/041202/] - 2005-03-27 09:23:40 - public:speqz firefox - 1 | id:253276 -
Main Page - DFWiki [http://wiki.dragonflybsd.org/index.php/Main_Page] - 2005-03-26 20:37:58 - public:speqz bsd - 1 | id:253277 -
Essential Fonts For Designers | 300 Free Truetype Fonts You Should Have [http://www.goodfonts.org/] - 2005-03-26 20:35:37 - public:speqz font - 1 | id:253278 -
youngpup.net - DOM-Drag [http://www.youngpup.net/2001/domdrag/tutorial] - 2005-03-26 18:09:36 - public:speqz web - 1 | id:253279 -
Starting with HTML + CSS [http://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/011/firstcss] - 2005-03-25 18:13:49 - public:speqz web - 1 | id:253280 -
Linux CPU Scheduler Documentation [http://josh.trancesoftware.com/linux/] - 2005-03-23 21:01:32 - public:speqz linux - 1 | id:253281 -
The 16 Best-ever Freeware Utilities [http://www.techsupportalert.com/best_16_free_utilities.htm] - 2005-03-22 01:01:54 - public:speqz software - 1 | id:253283 -
vcodex : image and video compression research and consulting [http://www.vcodex.com/] - 2005-03-17 00:58:32 - public:speqz video - 1 | id:253285 -
TKU Net-Stat [http://tkustat.stat.tku.edu.tw/help.php] - 2005-03-15 03:41:33 - public:speqz R - 1 | id:253286 -
The 46 Best-ever Freeware Utilities [http://www.techsupportalert.com/best_46_free_utilities.htm] - 2005-02-19 22:17:06 - public:speqz misc, software - 2 | id:253287 -
11 Cool Things You Can Do With PHP [http://www.sklar.com/talks/index.php/11things] - 2005-02-19 22:13:59 - public:speqz php - 1 | id:253288 -
Google Help : Cheat Sheet [http://www.google.com/help/cheatsheet.html] - 2005-02-19 21:51:50 - public:speqz google - 1 | id:253289 -
IBM Redbooks | Tuning IBM eServer xSeries Servers for Performance [http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/SG245287.html] - 2005-02-12 13:00:09 - public:speqz misc - 1 | id:253290 -
BTbot - BitTorrent Search Engine [http://www.btbot.com/] - 2005-02-10 00:46:33 - public:speqz p2p - 1 | id:253291 -
as simple as possible, but no simpler: Mapping Google [http://jgwebber.blogspot.com/2005/02/mapping-google.html] - 2005-02-09 22:51:42 - public:speqz map - 1 | id:253292 -
IP Address Locator - Enter an IP address to find its location - Lookup Country Region City etc [http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm?GetLocation] - 2005-02-09 22:48:26 - public:speqz map, traceroute - 2 | id:253293 -
Microsoft Visual C++ Tips and Tricks [http://www.highprogrammer.com/alan/windev/visualstudio.html] - 2005-02-05 21:44:31 - public:speqz visual_c++ - 1 | id:253294 -
Mozilla Update [https://addons.update.mozilla.org/] - 2005-02-05 21:29:11 - public:speqz firefox - 1 | id:253295 -
Firefox 擴充套件 Top 15 [http://moztw.org/firefox/extension_top_15/] - 2005-02-05 21:28:07 - public:speqz firefox - 1 | id:253296 -