Great dark minimal theme for phpmyadmin
How to install Apache, PHP and MySQL on Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal)
"Learn when to use fopen, fclose, feof, fgets, fgetss, and fscanf"
Use PHP to generate a palette of colors and automatically adjust your foreground colors to make them readable.
Welcome to phpCOIN ~ a free WebWare package originally designed for web-hosting resellers to handle clients, orders, invoices, notes and helpdesk, but no longer limited to hosting resellers.
The official homepage for MyBB, a free and open source PHP forum software.
Whether you want to build your own forum, publish the messages from a mailing list on your Website, or write your own CMS: there will be a moment that you'll want to store hierarchical data in a database. Gijs explains two practical methods to do just that.