Xilinx系列FPGA SelectIO简介连载一 | FPGA 开发圈 [https://fpga.eetrend.com/content/2021/100554077.html] - 2024-09-13 02:11:20 - public:speqz fpga, lvds, selectio, xilinx - 4 | id:1492963 -
max_fanout命令的正確打開方式 | 電子創新網賽靈思社區 [https://xilinx.eetrend.com/content/2019/100016875.html] - 2022-12-14 16:17:14 - public:speqz fpga, max_fanout, xilinx - 3 | id:1294638 -
Vivado中用HDL定义BRAM存储器并用updatemem合成bit文件 | 电子创新网赛灵思中文社区 [http://xilinx.eetrend.com/d6-xilinx/blog/2016-02/9773.html] - 2022-03-17 03:41:48 - public:speqz bitstream, bram, elf, fpga, xilinx - 5 | id:1062390 -
OpenFPGA - 知乎 [https://www.zhihu.com/column/c_1353113568775217152] - 2022-02-05 17:49:50 - public:speqz fpga, opensource - 2 | id:1021873 -
Ultra-Embedded | Embedded Systems and Digital Logic [http://ultra-embedded.com/] - 2020-02-29 08:10:45 - public:speqz fpga, xilinx - 2 | id:283260 -
abs-tudelft/fletcher: A framework to integrate FPGA accelerators with Apache Arrow [https://github.com/abs-tudelft/fletcher] - 2019-06-12 03:10:48 - public:speqz apache, arrow, cython, fpga, hls, python - 6 | id:253342 -