
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing time's Bookmarks

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[http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/dhvfr/where_do_you_look_for_job_postings/c10c1tq] - - public:time
google, jobs, maps, recruiting - 4 | id:3050 -

Google Maps. I don't have a job yet, but I've had some luck with Google Maps. I submitted dozens of resumes to job offers on careerbuilder and monster with no real responses at all, but out of the first three companies I found and contacted through Google Maps two actually responded and one gave me an interview. What I did was search for "it companies near

[http://engtech.wordpress.com/2006/08/11/the-holy-grail-of-synchronization-how-to-synchronize-microsoft-outlook-multiple-locations-google-calendar-gmail-ipod-and-mobile-phone-with-funambol-scheduleworld/] - - public:time
calendar, for:itripn, gmail, google, howto, outlook, sync, utility - 8 | id:4738 -

This is a guide for synchronizing Contacts (address book) and Calendars (schedule) across multiple computers and gadgets.

[http://www.gookbox.com/] - - public:time
gmail, google, hack, mp3, music - 5 | id:5140 -

An application that saves music to an plays them from a pop3 email account.

With marked bookmarks
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