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[http://openvpn.net/index.php/access-server/download-openvpn-as.html] - - public:time
aim, linux, opensource, openvpn, sbc, vpn - 6 | id:3479 -

OpenVPN Access Server (OpenVPN-AS) is a set of installation and configuration tools that simplify the rapid deployment of a VPN remote access solution. It is based on the popular OpenVPN open-source software, making the deployed VPN immediately compatible with OpenVPN client software across multiple user platforms.

[http://linuxbios.org/Welcome_to_LinuxBIOS] - - public:time
BIOS, development, linux, opensource, software - 5 | id:4641 -

LinuxBIOS is a Free Software project aimed at replacing the proprietary BIOS you can find in most of today's computers. It performs just a little bit of hardware initialization and then executes one of many possible payloads, e.g. a Linux kernel, FILO, Op

[http://linux.sys-con.com/read/244333.htm] - - public:time
DSL, howto, linux, livecd, usb - 5 | id:4818 -

In this article you will learn how to turn a blank CD and an inexpensive USB keydrive into a powerful, portable, take-along operating system complete with modern applications like Firefox, a Web server, and multimedia tools. All this can be done using fre

[http://www.reactos.org/xhtml/en/index.html] - - public:time
emulation, linux, opensource, OS, software, Windows - 6 | id:4823 -

The ReactOS® project is dedicated to making Free Software available to everyone by providing a ground-up implementation of a Microsoft Windows® XP compatible operating system. ReactOS aims to achieve complete binary compatibility with both applications

[http://www.glscube.org/] - - public:time
database, for:itripn, linux, semantic, storage - 5 | id:4824 -

The GNU/Linux Semantic Storage System (GLS³) is a solution designed to facilitate the management and retrieval of your data. It is a solution that distances you from thinking about Where you store your data to What your data is. With GLS³, you can organ

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