What's new in yabs.io
Our blog, stating what's is new in the https://www.yabs.io development and things that I believe might interest people who use this site.
Our blog, stating what's is new in the https://www.yabs.io development and things that I believe might interest people who use this site.
Pinboard.in is another service for saving bookmarks. I have added an option to upload an XML file that was exported by Pinboard and insert the bookmarks into the database.
Click here to import and upload a pinboard file
A bug was fixed that it was impossible to search for tags names that contains the equal (=) sign.
When saving and adding a new bookmark, each new link can be in 'Private' state, means only you (the user) can see those bookmarks
or in 'Public' state means that anyone can see this link including search engine.
From now own, you can set in the settings page (your profile) what will be the default behavior when adding a new bookmark, will it be 'Private' or 'Public' by default.
Of course you can change each bookmark specificaly or the default back again.
Database now supports saving links with Emojis. Description, title, links and even tags can now have Emojis in the text.
I have changed the add link and add bookmark by email provider to www.email2json.com - so it is new and making sure it works correctly.
Also replaced to a new Google Analytics code
When viewing your own bookmarks or other user bookmarks, the link was not showing if the bookmark did not had any tag. Now it shows also links with no tags.
When importing bookmarks from file can set the state of import to import private or public bookmarks
A new bookmark can no longer be added without tag. Automatically the tag 'no-tag' will be added.
When signing in or forgetting password, I am no longer sending the password in clear text through the email. Except when requesting a new password you will get a temporary password that needs to be replaced after log in.
Tags can now be in UTF8 format and have Hebrew characters or Ä those characters.
When exploring latest bookmarks on home screen, added a button to load more latest bookmarks.
On Login screen, the first landing page, the Total Stats are displayed even when there is no user connected. Total number of Users, Total number of Bookmarks and Total number of Tags.
Fixing queries for latest tags in new version of MySQL
When editing a Private bookmark, the default for edit stays Private
Export as CSV works
You can now delete your account. Go to the profile page and click the delete account button. From there just follow the instructions.
Can also transfer all your bookmarks to private in one click. Also via profile.
Fixed some minor bugs in display of public bookmarks count and typos.
When loading and importing a delicious.com netscape file: importing a bookmarks file - fixed a bug in the netscape_parser object to disregard comment correctly.
When adding tags from a file, importing a bookmarks file (from delicious.com or netscape) you can now add tags to all the imported bookmarks.
It is a smart idea to add atleast one tag, e.g. "imported" to imported bookmarks, so you can later on manipulate all added imported bookmarks
On adding bookmark page, you can now remove and add tags
While looking and managing your tags in the Tags Manager screen you can now filter your tags by text and search with in your tags.
A few typos where fixed in the digest newsletter.
I have improved the search inside My Bookmarks page. I think it is much more intuitive now to intersect tags together.
I have also changed, I believe for better, a bit of the design to be more suitable for mobile.
Start sending daily, weekly and monthly digest regarding the trending tags in yabs.io. So each of you can now state in his profile settings page if to receive the digest and newsletter.
One can also start following specific tags and then receive information each time a new bookmark with this tag is added to the system and be in alert.