Squish - Batch Browser-based Image Compression
TRELLIS - a Hugging Face Space by JeffreyXiang - Image convert to 3D
The Best Online Calculator for Converting Just About Anything | Lifehacker
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SVG Encoder - Convert SVG to all type of IMG to paste into HTML
JSON-to-Go: Convert JSON to Go instantly
web2mail - get a webpage by email
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An email service. Email a website URL in the subject and get a reply by email of this webpage as pdf, png, jpeg and even as html. You can surf the web using your email. Also some configuration like setting the width and height.
spacetime - vanilla js plain javascript library for datetime converting
Multi-functional image converterNo need to upload files
GitHub - yWorks/svg2pdf.js: A javascript-only SVG to PDF conversion utility that runs in the browser. Brought to you by yWorks - the diagramming experts
GitHub - mwilliamson/mammoth.js: Convert Word documents (.docx files) to HTML
AVPress - an in-browser video compressor
Kornel / babel-preset-php · GitLab
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Convert an Array into an Object in JavaScript - Mastering JS
Antiword: a free MS Word document reader
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A converter utility to convert msword Microsoft office word document to text
wvWare, library for converting Word documents
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utility to convert old doc file of microsoft office word to text or html
currency rates
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Convert 1,000 British Pounds to Euros. Get live exchange rates, historical rates & charts for GBP to EUR with XE's free currency calculator.
Pandoc - About pandoc
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Convert from different types of documents
JonathanLink/PDFLayoutTextStripper: Converts a pdf file into a text file while keeping the layout of the original pdf. Useful to extract the content from a table in a pdf file for instance. This is a subclass of PDFTextStripper class (from the Apache PDFB
Anyone know how to... .dvf files[Archive] - Ubuntu Forums
Base64 Image Encoder
Convert PDF to Word - Online PDF to Word Converter
Online converter - convert video, images, audio and documents for free
Он-лайн конвертер - бесплатно конвертируйте видео, музку, фото!
DAG: unoconv: Convert between any document format supported by OpenOffice - Convert .PNG format files to .ICO or .ICO format files to .PNG : Windows 7 compatible icons
Универсальный декодер кириллицы
Generate XSD from XML
wkhtmltopdf - Project Hosting on Google Code
Convert HTML to PDF in PHP (libwkhtmltox extension) | Perplexed Labs
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Convert pdf to image - Convert pdf to jpg - Convert online pdf to image
Vector Magic Enable Download
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