coding adventures: Reverse engineering the rendering of The Witcher 3: Index
GitHub - s-macke/VoxelSpace: Terrain rendering algorithm in less than 20 lines of codes-macke/VoxelSpace: Terrain rendering in less than 20 lines of code
Babylon.js: Powerful, Beautiful, Simple, Open - Web-Based 3D At Its Best
CSS Transform Functions Visualizer
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CSS3 2D / 3D Transform Functions Visualizer and Playground
Creating 3D worlds with HTML and CSS
python - Interpolate/Resize 3D array - Stack Overflow
Three-dimensional ray tracing in python | Erik Rotteveel
The Programming Behind Cel Shading – Partly Shaderly
Urho Minimal project
PBR Book
sIBL Archive
Coding Experiments blog
Textures for 3D, graphic design and Photoshop!
Free textures for 3D modeling, design and game development
A first-person engine in 265 lines
s-macke/VoxelSpace: Terrain rendering in less than 20 lines of code
-= =-
Useful 3d party gfx libs
Capture in-game models using OGLE
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"Raph Koster points us to a useful piece of kit: OGLE, the OpenGL Extractor, is a tool for extracting 3D models from OpenGL applications. By sitting between the application and the OpenGL library, OGLE can effectively take 3D screenshots--and the possibilities for gaming are immense. "
The Best Software Tutorials on the Web (According to ArchDaily Readers) | ArchDaily
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A-Frame – Make WebVR
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Future of CAD | Onshape
Tiko - The Unibody 3D Printer by Tiko 3D — Kickstarter
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Office Chair 3D CAD Models - Herman Miller
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Want Cardboard? Here’s how to make (or buy) Google’s DIY VR headset at home - Pocket-lint
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H.INT - 3D Warehouse
Top 10 Places to Sell Your 3D Models Online
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3D Object Manipulation in a Single Photograph using Stock 3D Models
How to Fold a Julia Fractal —
20 GIFs That Jump Off Your Screen Without 3D Glasses
Land8 Webinar: Rendering in SketchUp - Daniel Tal on Vimeo
Gifs made 3D - Imgur
HexGL, the HTML5 futuristic racing game.
Sensors :: Accelerometers :: 3-axis :: Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout - ADXL335
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