
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[https://mental.jmir.org/2020/6/e16525/] - - public:weinreich
mental_health, mobile, technology - 3 | id:706825 -

Of the 293 apps shortlisted as offering a therapeutic treatment for anxiety and/or depression, 162 (55.3%) mentioned an evidence-based framework in their app store descriptions. Of the 293 apps, 88 (30.0%) claimed to use cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, 46 (15.7%) claimed to use mindfulness, 27 (9.2%) claimed to use positive psychology, 10 (3.4%) claimed to use dialectical behavior therapy, 5 (1.7%) claimed to use acceptance and commitment therapy, and 20 (6.8%) claimed to use other techniques. Of the 162 apps that claimed to use a theoretical framework, only 10 (6.2%) had published evidence for their efficacy.

[https://ide.goorm.io/] - - public:xxx
android, aws, cloud, development, groom, ide, mobile, online - 8 | id:272087 -

goormIDE is a cloud IDE service to maximize the productivity for developers and teams. Develop and deploy your service with powerful collaborative features, anytime and anywhere.goormIDE is a cloud IDE service to maximize the productivity for developers and teams. Develop and deploy your service with powerful collaborative features, anytime and anywhere.

[http://uxarchive.com/?ref=designtoolsweekly] - - public:weinreich
design, graphic_design, mobile - 3 | id:271281 -

UX Archive — collected the most interesting user flows that can help you analyze previous products and learn from others about what works and what doesn't. Examine tasks such as booking, logging in, onboarding, purchasing, searching, and more.

[https://medium.com/samsung-internet-dev/introducing-progressive-web-apps-to-samsung-galaxy-store-47ecd317725b] - - public:xxx
galaxy, mobile, pwa, samsung, store - 5 | id:269551 -

At Samsung, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are one of the features of the Web we prioritise for our web browser, Samsung Internet. Our previous forays have included experimentation and evolution of…

[https://customer.io/blog/triggered-engagement-email-campaigns/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, mobile, online_marketing, technology - 4 | id:266958 -

When the growth team took a step back, they realized it wasn’t enough to trigger just any notification. They needed to “show the right things to users at the right time — creating ‘aha moments’” where the user experienced the product’s core value. Rather than indiscriminately bombard the user with notifications, they concluded that they needed to be “really thoughtful about which messages to send which users” and focus “more of [their] resources on engaging users that were likely to churn.” Taking a page from Facebook, here are 5 kinds of engagement messages that work to activate, retain, and grow customers. Highly personal and targeted, these emails show off your product’s core value, ferry your users to their “aha moments”, and get people engaging with your product and brand again and again.

[https://pioneerreporter.com/depression-drugs-sales-upsurge-major-players-contributing-heavily-towards-market-growth-reports-fact-mr-study/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, mental_health, mobile - 3 | id:266046 -

demand for depression drugs is also witnessing a decline as end-users have more coping options at their disposal. The huge popularity of mental health apps, such as Headspace, Calm, Moodnotes, Pacifica, and SuperBetter has given patients more control over how they manage depression.

[https://medium.com/googleplaydev/putting-back-users-to-the-forefront-sustainable-engagement-tips-from-behavioral-science-b9557af3da3e] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, mobile, technology - 4 | id:264227 -

Luckily, behavioral science can help close the intention-action gap, offering a toolkit to help change behavior for the better. Here are three ways we can apply lessons from behavioral science to drive sustainable engagement:

[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-walking/yes-counting-steps-might-make-you-healthier-idUSKCN1TQ2P0] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, mobile, obesity, technology, theory - 5 | id:253687 -

“Tracking your daily activity with a pedometer, wearable, or smartphone is an important part of any physical activity program,” Patel said by email. “However, it should be combined with other behavior change strategies such as goal-setting, coaching, or social interventions to increase sustainability.”

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