autoComplete.js - Vanilla Javascript library
Simple autocomplete pure vanilla Javascript library.
Creative Adventure Lab
ZingGrid - A fully-featured, native, web-component, data table and grid for Javascript applications.ZingGrid - A fully-featured, native, web-component, data table and grid for Javascript applications.LoadingBack ArrowArrow: LeftArrow: RightCloseCloseClose
ZingGrid - A fully-featured, native, web-component, grid and data table library for Javascript applications.
Wenk - Lightweight pure CSS tooltip for the greater good
The GNU MPFR Library
Main Page | Pao Yue-kong Library, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Resource Library
MuzeMuze Examples
View different types of charts, starting from simple bar, line, area charts to complex visual crosstab, SPLOM, crossfilter created using the Muze JavaScript library.
PECL :: Package Browser :: Top Level
EBooksCart - Free Books one Click Away
Bulma: a modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
Bulma is an open source CSS framework based on Flexbox and built with Sass. It's 100% responsive, fully modular, and available for free.
Chart Demos – ApexCharts
GDevelop - Create games without programming - Open source HTML5 and native game creator
Create your own games with GDevelop: an open-source game creator. No programming skills are required! Quickly build and share your games on mobile (Android and iOS), desktop and on the web.
Impact Games
GitHub - PHPMailer/PHPMailer: The classic email sending library for PHP
Library for PHP to send emailsGitHub is where people build software. More than 27 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 80 million projects.PHPMailer - The classic email sending library for PHP
Britecharts - D3.js based charting library of reusable components
Britecharts is a client-side reusable Charting Library based on D3.js v5 that allows easy and intuitive use of charts and components that can be composed together creating amazing visualizations.Britecharts is a client-side reusable Charting Library based on D3.js v5 that allows easy and intuitive use of charts and components that can be composed together creating amazing visualizations.Britecharts is a client-side reusable Charting Library based on D3.js v5 that allows easy and intuitive use of charts and components that can be composed together creating amazing visualizations.
Bttn.css - Demo
Beautiful HTML5 JavaScript Charts | CanvasJS
HTML5 JavaScript Charts that are built on top of HTML5 Canvas Element. Renders across devices & is 10x faster than SVG based Charting Libraries.
Simple DirectMedia Layer
Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer.
PaperCSS · the less formal CSS framework
Froala | WYSIWYG HTML Editor, Design Blocks, Website Page Builder
Froala develops editing software products that are the building blocks for creating and editing beautiful content easier and faster.
A-Frame – Make WebVR
atom.gen.php - A Simple PHP Atom Feed Generator
Vivify - CSS Animation Library
olifolkerd/tabulator: Interactive Tables Plugin for jQuery
minireset.css: a tiny modern CSS reset
Shoelace.css – a back to the basics CSS starter kit
wiki:search_config - jqGrid Wiki
jqGrid explenations
Android Open Source - sdl_tester_android Sdl Button
Ford Library for Android
shaarli/netscape-bookmark-parser: PHP library to parse Netscape bookmark files
PHP library to parse Netscape bookmark files