GitHub - DovAmir/awesome-design-patterns: A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
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The State of Developer Ecosystem 2018 - Infographic | JetBrains
Over 6,000+ developers share their insights on modern technologies, programming languages, frameworks, and tools of choice for software development.
Tutorial for programming
Finding the Best 64-bit Simulation PRNG « null program
webrtcHacks - Guides and information for WebRTC developers
פורטל תלמידים - קייטנות דיגיטליות
הקייטנות הדיגיטליות היא תכנית קורסים מקוונים שמפעיל לתלמידים אגף "טכנולוגיות מידע" במשרד החינוך בחופשת הקיץ. הקורסים המוצעים הם במגוון תחומים ונושאים שמטרתם לקדם חדשנות בלמידה באמצעות טכנולוגיה והקניה של אוריינות טכנולוגית ודיגיטלית על כל רבדיה.
Writing a Markdown Compiler – Part 1 – beezwax > blog
Classic Programmer Paintings
Java 8 Stream Tutorial - Benjamin Winterberg
Home Page of Markus Triska
Getting Started with MSP430G2 using Energia IDE –Blinking an LED
Building a Yelp-Like App – Inside The Bubble
Create a new fiddle - JSFiddle
Moonlight - Freelancer search for coding
Find a freelancer contractor for development immidiatly
Codela | Online Coding Challenges
Practice for code interviews when search work / job
Tkinter assign button command in loop with lambda
I'm trying to create a few buttons (with a for) like so: def a(self, name): print name users = {"Test":"", "Test2":""} row = 1 for name in users: user_button = Tkinter.B...
Project Board
What is the purpose of self?
What is the purpose of the self word in Python? I understand it refers to the specific object created from that class, but I can't see why it explicitly needs to be added to every function as a par...
Python GUI Examples (Tkinter Tutorial)
Learn how to develop GUI applications using Python Tkinter package, In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create graphical interfaces by writing Python GUI examples, you'll learn how to create a label…
Improve Your Python: Python Classes and Object Oriented Programming
Improve Your Python: Python Classes and Object Oriented Programming
An Introduction to ConfigObj Handling Configuration Files with ConfigObj
Website of Michael Foord. Python programming articles, projects and technical blog.
Coding hungover - Deal with it! -
Sublime Text - A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
The complete guide to centering a div
Any div can be centered - horizontally, vertically or both.
The 14 JavaScript debugging tips you probably didnt know | Raygun
You might want to keep these tips and tricks in mind for the next time you find yourself needing to debug your JavaScript code!
Code to GoGroup 3
Javascript code to go: Find updated snippets for common JavaScript use cases.
How to Write Your Own C++ Game Engine
Looks like you can 'raytrace' images into existence with Racket. It's really an all purpose programming language but its focus seems to be on showing off with image tutorials.
Let’s Build A Web Server. Part 1.
Regex Puzzle | Hacker News
Forum thread about Regex and which tools are available.
Creating an Executable from a Python Script
Python is one of my favorite programming languages. That being said, if you've ever had to deploy an application written in Python then you know just how painful it can be. Fortunately, there are some…
Crop Images with PIL/Pillow
Python Patterns is a directory of Python snippets and examples. Follow @pythonpatterns on Twitter.
Beautiful HTML5 JavaScript Charts | CanvasJS
HTML5 JavaScript Charts that are built on top of HTML5 Canvas Element. Renders across devices & is 10x faster than SVG based Charting Libraries.
Geometry Algorithms Home
Geometry Algorithms Home
Web Developer Checklist
The ultimate checklist for all serious web developers building modern websites.
Funny Twitter for Developers
Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet | Modern JS Cheatsheet
Cheatsheet for the JavaScript knowledge you will frequently encounter in modern projects.Cheatsheet for the JavaScript knowledge you will frequently encounter in modern projects.
Devhints — TL;DR for developer documentation
A ridiculous collection of web development cheatsheets · One-page guide to
-= =-
Programming Jobs | CodeFights
Useful 3d party gfx libs
On Python 3.5: Colorama does not recognize Windows environment · Issue #79 · tartley/colorama
Since my update of Python 3.4 to 3.5 colorama does not recognize a Windows environment if launched from PowerShell. Running colored scripts from cmd.exe does still work. An explicit init(convert=tr...