
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[http://fonts.tom7.com] - - public:Trinsec
Downloads, fonts, Import - 3 | id:72607 -

"This is a collection of TrueType fonts which I've created for fun. You can use them for free to do anything you want, you just can't take the fonts and resell them (on a CD, for instance). Read the license if you're not sure what this means."

[http://www.photomeister.com/index_eng.html] - - public:Trinsec
graphics, Import, Photography, Software - 4 | id:72201 -

Paessler offers highly powerful network monitoring software ✦ Great Usability ✓ Excellent Price-Performance Ratio ✓ ➤ Get your free trial now!

[http://www.webhits.de/] - - public:Trinsec
Import, Internet, software, Statistics, Tools - 5 | id:72076 -

You just found the fast and easy way to add a Web counter to your Web page. Not only does it display the number of visitors to your site (invisible operation is optional), it also offers real-time statistics and excellent reliability.

[http://www.angelfire.com/super/badwebs/main.htm] - - public:Trinsec
graphics, Import, WebDesign - 3 | id:72203 -

This web was designed to graphically demonstrate the most common mistakes made by new Web Page designers.

[http://www.ornj.net] - - public:Trinsec
Import, software - 2 | id:72079 -

My name is Mark and this is ornj.net, home of my various software projects: Web Album Generator, Citrus Alarm Clock, and Araneae.

[http://www.darkskies.info/rotoscope.html] - - public:Trinsec
graphics, Import, Photoshop, StarWars, Tutorials - 5 | id:72205 -

There are a tonne of tutorials regarding creating lightsabres for your fanfilm, using a myriad of programmes. This tutorial is pretty simple, and required Photoshop to implement. I used Photoshop 6, but the technique is identical to earlier versions. As w

[http://murphy.cz/victoria-s-vertical-centering/] - - public:Trinsec
Alignment, CSS, Design, Import, programming - 5 | id:72383 -

"A common problem for contemporary web designers is vertically centering Web pages. The current model of (X)HTML and CSS sees each Web document as a part of an unbounded area and a browser window as a vista within this document, not as a part of it. Hence it is impossible to vertically center a document in any browser window."

[http://cplus.about.com/library/blctut.htm] - - public:Trinsec
C, Import, programming - 3 | id:72387 -

Become an expert in object-oriented design with these resources for developers, programmers, and students. Find tips and projects for C, C++, C# and Google Go.

[http://computer.howstuffworks.com/c.htm] - - public:Trinsec
C, Import, programming - 3 | id:72388 -

If you are a programmer, or if you are interested in becoming a programmer, there are a couple of benefits you gain from learning Learn how to write computer programs in C.

[http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/learn.html] - - public:Trinsec
books, C, Import, Programming, Tutorials - 5 | id:72445 -

This list of C and C++ language tutorials includes interactive courses, tutorials, public domain code collections, and books.

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