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Signum sine tinnitu--by Guy Kawasaki: The Art of Schmoozing
Signum sine tinnitu--by Guy Kawasaki: Everything You Wanted to Know About Getting a Job in Silicon Valley But Didn't Know Who to Ask
Signum sine tinnitu--by Guy Kawasaki: The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint
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A way to take two columns holding start and stop dates for individual events and create a Gantt type chart without having to leave Excel?
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This is a sample of my opinions on how to give a talk (using slides or transparencies) in computer science, concisely distilled for my students and students attending Graphics Lunch. Most of these thoughts are based on my going to conferences and seeing t
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Complete Digital Photography
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Fun, fashion & science in this quirky site about shoelaces. Whether you want to learn to lace shoes, tie shoelaces, stop shoelaces from coming undone, calculate shoelace lengths or even repair aglets, Ian's Shoelace Site has the answer!
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the basics of overclocking the processor, memory and video card, so as not to miss out on this important area of extra performance potential. Please pay special attention to our 'Tweak Insurance' tips at the beginning of this guide to help you prepare you
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Negotiation is a part of life we all have to deal with. Being able to do so successfully can make a big difference to our outcomes. Here are eight tips that have helped me.
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10 Stupid Mistakes Made by the Newly Self-Employed
Having been a non-employee for about 14 years now, I’ve made my share of stupid business mistakes. I’ve also coached a number of people to start their own businesses, and I’ve seen many of them make similar mistakes. This advice is geared towards sm
wikiHow - The How-To Manual That Anyone Can Write or Edit, your resource for all things Disney
The best place to start a discussion of Fastpass is the official Disney description of Fastpass from the Disneyland Web site (link). While it sounds so nice and easy, the system is actually quite complex, and keeps changing. The newest change started at t