deoostfrees/Parvus: An accessible, open-source image lightbox with no dependencies.
Web Typography - animated text JS Library
DFlex | JavaScript project to Manipulate DOM Elements
spacetime - vanilla js plain javascript library for datetime converting
Lexical - js library widget for text editor from meta facebook
How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016 | HackerNoon
GitHub - mapbox/mapbox-gl-js: Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
PostCSS - a tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript
It's always been you, Canvas2D - Chrome Developers
letMeScroll.js - Scroll made easy!
Eva.js | Eva.js - front end game engine in javascript
Stylo - Another kind of rich text editor
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components as return values - Stack Overflow
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TypeIt - javascript library to look like someone is typing
Introduction | v8n
Cosmic js wasm compiler native
Kontra.js – What is Kontra.js? - js game small game engine library
Knowledge Map | Learn JavaScript
Apache ECharts
RegEx Library
Push Notifications, WebXR, and better PWA support coming to iOS -
GitHub - jmaister/excellentexport: Javascript export to Excel
Eloquent JavaScript
Window.js - js compiler to exe
The WebSocket Handbook: learn about the technology behind the realtime web | Ably Blog: Data in Motion
Two.js • Homepage - games and graphics drawing library for javascript
billboard.js - js graph and charts library
Vanta.js - Animated 3D Backgrounds For Your Website
jsPDF - HTML5 PDF Generator | Parallax
Vanilla List • The Vanilla JavaScript Repository
JavaScript for impatient programmers (ES2021 edition)
PrinceJS - prince of persia online in js
Source Academy
Geodesy Library | Movable Type scripts
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geolocation calculations javascript library
Tagify - Tags input Component
Vizzu Library - gaphs library javascript animated
Add to Calendar Button | JavaScript Auto-Generator Snippet
Splide - The lightweight, flexible and accessible slider/carousel
Intro.js - Lightweight, user-friendly onboarding tour library
GitHub - tonytomov/jqGrid: jQuery grid plugin
Guriddo - jquery jqGrid official site
GitHub - KilledByAPixel/LittleJS: The Tiny JavaScript Game Engine That Can!
Build a Simple Chess AI in JavaScript
GitHub - GoogleChromeLabs/two-up
Xtend UI - Components
13 tiny and terrific entries from the js13kGames competition | The GitHub Blog
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