
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&c2coff=1&q=-inurl%3A(htm%7Chtml%7Cphp)+intitle%3A%E2%80%9Dindex+of%E2%80%9D+%2B%E2%80%9Dlast+modified%E2%80%9D+%2B%E2%80%9Dparent+directory%E2%80%9D+%2Bdescription+%2Bsize+%2B(wma%7Cmp3)&btnG=Search] - - public:fmvieira
mp3, oldDelicious, search - 3 | id:235042 -

How to Search on Google

[http://2006.sxsw.com/toolbox/schedules/ipod/] - - public:time
for:itripn, mp3, music, SXSW - 4 | id:5018 -

For the second year in a row, Austin, Texas' South By Southwest Festival is offering hundreds of MP3s of the performing artists, for free download, as well as film trailers.

[http://www.dailysonic.com/] - - public:time
collection, daily, mp3, podcast - 4 | id:5027 -

Dailysonic is evolving into something greater than we could have imagined. We now get content from all sorts of wonderful and unique contributors. And, we've built technology that lets you to create your own customized Dailysonic. Flavor the show to taste

[http://www.tunecore.com/] - - public:time
business, itunes, mp3, music, tunecore - 5 | id:5043 -

TuneCore is a music delivery and distribution service that gets music you created (even cover versions) up for sale on iTunes, Rhapsody, MusicNet and Napster without asking for your rights or taking any money from the sale or use of your music.

[http://www.last.fm/] - - public:time
audio, mp3, music, radio, streaming, tags - 6 | id:5135 -

You get your own online music profile that you can fill up with the music you like. This information is used to create a personal radio station and to find users who are similar to you. Last.fm can even play you new artists and songs you might like. It's

[http://www.gookbox.com/] - - public:time
gmail, google, hack, mp3, music - 5 | id:5140 -

An application that saves music to an plays them from a pop3 email account.

[http://empegbbs.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=offtopic&Number=246544&Searchpage=1&Main=246544&Words=reripping&topic=&Search=true#Post246544] - - public:time
mp3, tags - 2 | id:5165 -

[http://www.songbirdnest.com/] - - public:time
mp3, organization, software, tool - 4 | id:5180 -

Songbird™ is a desktop Web player, a digital jukebox and Web browser mash-up. Like Winamp, it supports extensions and skins feathers. Like Firefox®, it is built from Mozilla®, cross-platform and open source.

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