
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[http://strangemaps.wordpress.com/2009/02/26/362-greek-to-me-mapping-mutual-incomprehension/] - - public:time
communication, culture, graph, greek, language, linguistics, visualization - 7 | id:3763 -

“When an English speaker doesn’t understand a word of what someone says, he or she states that it’s ‘Greek to me’. When a Hebrew speaker encounters this difficulty, it ’sounds like Chinese’. I’ve been told the Korean equivalent is ’sounds like Hebrew’,” says Yuval Pinter (here on the excellent Languagelog).

[http://xrvg.rubyforge.org/] - - public:megatux
fractals, graphics, library, maths, plot, ruby, SVG, vector, visualization - 9 | id:227369 -

XRVG stands for "eXtended Ruby Vector Graphics". The purpose of this project is to define and implement a high-level and powerful programming environment for vector graphics generation.

[http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/] - - public:megatux
graph, logging, statistics, visualization - 4 | id:227378 -

RRDtool is the OpenSource industry standard, high performance data logging and graphing system for time series data. Use it to write your custom monitoring shell scripts or create whole applications using its Perl, Python, Ruby, TCL or PHP bindings.

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