
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[http://brianfolts.com/driver/#origin=117+E.+Hill+Street%2C+Oklahoma+City%2C+OK+73105&destination=128+SW+69th+Terrace%2C+Oklahoma+City%2C+OK+73139&fps=1&travelmode=BICYCLING&rn=] - - public:rocketjam
google, maps, streetview - 3 | id:73253 -

[https://www.c2kb.com/calendar/] - - public:underdog-projects
agenda, calendar, google, html5, online, schedule, svg, tool, view, year, yearly, zoom - 12 | id:1752 -

Agenda like never seen before. It is like Google Maps for your Calendar. Allowing you to see an overview of years, months, weeks and days of your Agenda. You can zoom-in and see details of every day or zoom-out and see your global plans for the summer. This extension uses SVG and HTML5 in a unique matter giving you the option to plan your vacation, to plan your work a head and see your schedule in a very intuitive very easy to use Schedule-Mapping.

[http://techorange.com/2014/05/05/11-qualities-google-wants/] - - public:speqz
google - 1 | id:251866 -

但是,如果你的團員提出更好的點子,你也要懂得接納別人的意見,Bock 解釋:「畢竟每個計畫的最終目的都是要『完成』,所以最重要的是,要去思考怎麼完成計畫、解決問題,如果你是負責人,你已付出你的能力所及,你也要能適時退後,接納意見。」

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