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3dicons - Open source 3D icon library [https://3dicons.co/?ref=producthunt] - 2021-10-18 18:23:45 - public:xxx 3d, download, downloads, free, icons, opensource - 6 | id:819787 -
Veloren [https://veloren.net/] - 2021-02-19 22:01:12 - public:xxx 3d, downloads, free, games, linux, minecraft, rust - 7 | id:573918 - Online RPG like minecraft written in rust for linux too
DAZ Productions - 3D Models, 3D Content, and 3D Software [http://www.daz3d.com/program/carrara/index.php] - 2006-08-27 11:55:02 - public:xxx 3d, downloads, free, graphics, software - 5 | id:1337 -