Theory of Change Template | Miro
Ditch “Statistical Significance” — But Keep Statistical Evidence | by Eric J. Daza, DrPH, MPS | Towards Data Science
“significant” p-value ≠ “significant” finding: The significance of statistical evidence for the true X (i.e., statistical significance of the p-value for the estimate of the true X) says absolutely nothing about the practical/scientific significance of the true X. That is, significance of evidence is not evidence of significance. Increasing your sample size in no way increases the practical/scientific significance of your practical/scientific hypothesis. “significant” p-value = “discernible” finding: The significance of statistical evidence for the true X does tell us how well the estimate can discern the true X. That is, significance of evidence is evidence of discernibility. Increasing your sample size does increase how well your finding can discern your practical/scientific hypothesis.
Heuristic Evaluations: How to Conduct
Step-by-step instructions to systematically review your product to find potential usability and experience problems. Download a free heuristic evaluation template.
IndiKit - Guidance on SMART Indicators for Relief and Development Projects | IndiKit
Theory of Change Workbook: A Step-by-Step Process for Developing or Strengthening Theories of Change | Eval Forward
The Art of Storytelling for Case Studies | by Ingrid Elias | Indeed Design
How to Conduct a Cognitive Walkthrough Workshop
A cognitive walkthrough is a technique used to evaluate the learnability of a system. Unlike user testing, it does not involve users (and, thus, it can be relatively cheap to implement). Like heuristic evaluations, expert reviews, and PURE evaluations, it relies on the expertise of a set of reviewers to assess the interface. Although cognitive walkthroughs can be conducted by an individual, they are designed to be done as part of a group in a workshop setting where evaluators walk through a task in a highly structured manner from a new user’s point of view.
Meta-Analysis Learning Information Center
The Meta-Analysis Learning Information Center (MALIC) believes in equitably providing cutting-edge and up-to-date techniques in meta-analysis to researchers in the social sciences, particularly those in education and STEM education.
Facilitation Guide for an Integrated Evaluation Methodology: Most Significant Change and PhotoVoice | Health Social Change and Behaviour Change Network
Home | Better Evaluation
We are a global collaboration aimed at improving evaluation practice and theory through co-creation, curation, and sharing information.
Are We There Yet? A Communications Evaluation Guide
22 Tips for Building Meaningful Social Media Dashboards from All Networks | Databox Blog
Evaluating digital health products - GOV.UK
Costing and Economic Evaluation | Breakthrough ACTION and RESEARCH
Currently Available Costing and Economic Evaluation Products The Business Case for Investing in Social and Behavior Change (report) new Guidelines for Costing Social and Behavior Change Interventions (report) new The Added Value of Costing Social and Behavior Change Interventions (brief) new Social and Behavior Change Business Case and Costing Webinar Generating Evidence to Inform Integrated Social and Behavior Change Programming in Nigeria Making the Business Case for Social and Behavior Change Programming (activity brief)
North America Evaluation Toolkit | J-PAL North America Evaluation Toolkit
Social media analytics: A practical guidebook for journalists and other media professionals | Publications | DW Akademie | DW | 17.07.2019
This guidebook helps media professionals of small media houses develop a better understanding of how to use data for improving their social media performance. Also includes worksheets and templates.
Social and Behavior Change Monitoring Guidance | Breakthrough ACTION and RESEARCH
Breakthrough ACTION has distilled guidance on social and behavior change (SBC) monitoring methods into a collection of technical notes. Each note provides an overview of a monitoring method that may be used for SBC programs along with a description of when to use the method and its strengths and weaknesses.