
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOirFilM=/] - - public:weinreich
consulting, creativity, gaming, training - 4 | id:1221928 -

These quick lateral thinking icebreaker games will help participants flex their creative thinking muscles before jumping into your workshops. They are inspired by Edward de Bono's, now sadly no longer published, game Think Links. The de Bono methods are a means of breaking old patterns and creating new ones. They don't tell you what to think, but show you how to think for yourself, both creatively and inclusively. Learn more at debono.com This board was created and the cards lovingly drawn by Emily Webber @ewebber

[https://www.christydena.com/2020/11/narrative-design-methods-the-journey-chart/] - - public:weinreich
creativity, design, gaming, storytelling, strategy - 5 | id:438450 -

The Journey Chart is an overview of the different elements of a project juxtaposed to show how they work together over the duration of the player/audience/reader experience. I’m sharing the Journey Chart Method because I’ve found it to be a nifty way to externalise, discover, inspire, unify, direct, and communicate the various elements of a project and how they are all connected.

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