Windows In Your Pocket
All it takes is a minor error in the Windows Registry or a virus infection, and your operating system can become unbootable. But with a properly configured USB flash drive on hand, you'll always have a compatible replacement no further away than your pock
A Closer Look at Damn Small Linux @ LINUX.SYS-CON.COM
In this article you will learn how to turn a blank CD and an inexpensive USB keydrive into a powerful, portable, take-along operating system complete with modern applications like Firefox, a Web server, and multimedia tools. All this can be done using fre
Trillian Anywhere - Use Trillian, the Ultimate Chat Client, ANYWHERE
Install Trillian on your zip Disk, CD, Diskonkey, or any other type of portable media. Take Trillian, your preferences, and your contact list with you wherever you go. Use a fully functional Trillian anywhere, on any computer with an internet connection i