NCAP - National Collection of Aerial Photography
"The National Collection of Aerial Photography is one of the largest collections of aerial imagery in the world, containing tens of millions of images featuring historic events and places around the world."
Minecraft AutoMap
AutoMap requires the use of Minecraft Forge. For this version, you need to copy minecraftautomap-1.9-32.jar from automap_mod to .minecraft/mods. Previous versions of automap's jar file should be removed from the mods directory, as they will not work with 1.9.
MCAM AutoMap
"Minecraft AutoMap- The definitive navigation tool for Minecraft -"
ElonaWorldMap.jpg (JPEG Image, 4560x2640 pixels) - Scaled (20%)
World map of Elona. Handy for treasure seeking.
Star_trek_map2.jpg (JPEG Image, 2919x1960 pixels)
A huge map of the known space of the Federation and neighbours.
If you dig straight down, where will you end up?
Q: What happens if you dig straight down?A: You'll pop out the other side of the world.
Star Trek Dimension - Star Trek Cartography
Star Trek Dimension - Star Trek Cartography
Known distances in ST space from episodes.