lua-users wiki: Patterns Tutorial
lua [Watchmaker Wiki]
tips:calendarmargin [Watchmaker Wiki]
Event-Durations as Margin Markers
Vim documentation: syntax
"Syntax highlighting enables Vim to show parts of the text in another font orcolor. Those parts can be specific keywords or text matching a pattern. Vimdoesn't parse the whole file (to keep it fast), so the highlighting has itslimitations. Lexical highlighting might be a better name, but since everybodycalls it syntax highlighting we'll stick with that."
Why Doesn't Python Have Switch/Case?
"Unlike every other programming language I've used before, Python does not have a switch or case statement. To get around this fact, we use dictionary mapping:"
Heidel's batmud triggers for tinyfugue (tf)
"During my years I have written quite a few triggers for Batmud. Now most of them are available to the general public. Feel free to use them. One of my key points has been to make the triggers easy to use. So, if you have questions, please ask, but read the disclaimer first. Also, inform me if the triggers don't work with TF 4.xx, I might do something about that (triggers are written for 5.0b7)."
POV-Ray descriptions, tutorials and Examples for the POV-Ray raytracing program for beginners and advanced users
Descriptions, Tutorials and Examples for the POV-Ray raytracing program
Index of /tf @ Walker
TextMate Manual ยป Language Grammars
Dive Into Python
lua-users wiki: Tutorial Directory
Global Function List - WoWWiki
This page contains automatically-generated and alphabetically-sorted lists of global functions usable in the World of Warcraft scripting engine. It does not and will not contain short...