1 Links > Tags: Instructional-Design, Curriculum Search Intersect Tags: , (+) Bookmarks from: All Users Your Bookmarks Specific user: Results Aligned Course Design | Center for Educational Innovation [https://cei.umn.edu/teaching-resources/aligned-course-design] - 2024-03-21 06:51:44 - public:stevetao Curriculum, Design, Education, Instructional-Design - 4 | id:1490050 - Follow TagsInstructional-Design - Please Log In To follow this tag Curriculum - Please Log In To follow this tag Export:JSONXMLRSS
Aligned Course Design | Center for Educational Innovation [https://cei.umn.edu/teaching-resources/aligned-course-design] - 2024-03-21 06:51:44 - public:stevetao Curriculum, Design, Education, Instructional-Design - 4 | id:1490050 -