1 Links > Tags: PHP, FrameWork, REST Search Intersect Tags: , , (+) Bookmarks from: All Users Your Bookmarks Specific user: Results Restler:Host your PHP methods as RESTful API in any format JSON,XML,PLIST for your mobile/web/desktop app [http://luracast.com/products/restler/] - 2011-11-05 10:11:23 - public:zinkh framework, PHP, REST - 3 | id:231169 - Follow TagsPHP - Please Log In To follow this tag FrameWork - Please Log In To follow this tag REST - Please Log In To follow this tag Export:JSONXMLRSS
Restler:Host your PHP methods as RESTful API in any format JSON,XML,PLIST for your mobile/web/desktop app [http://luracast.com/products/restler/] - 2011-11-05 10:11:23 - public:zinkh framework, PHP, REST - 3 | id:231169 -