How Psychology Can Influence Consumer Behaviour
Edward L. Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud and the founding father of concepts in Public Relations (PR), is known for linking Freudian psychoanalytic theories to influence consumer behaviour.
Steely Stare, Steely Stare, All Clear! A rail safety video - YouTube
Saudi Census Ad
The Saudi General Authority for Statistics is running an ad gently asking people to stop inviting census takers into their homes for coffee and meals.
Ad Shows Dummies Without Seatbelts Cause Pain for Loved Ones
Excellent contrast with Embrace Life of gain vs loss framing!
The Flu Campaign That Literally Sneezes on its Audience
2 shots for summer | Unite against COVID-19
Anti-loan fee fraud jingle | Professional Security
The UK regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has launched the country’s first official anti-fraud jingle. The aim; to protect consumers against loan fee fraud. Between November 2020 and January 2021, some one in 20 calls received by the FCA were reporting an instance of loan fee fraud. The FCA’s anti-fraud jingle is designed to be a light-hearted, engaging way to spread awareness of loan fee fraud advice to consumers over Christmas. Loan fee fraud is when consumers are asked to pay an upfront fee for a loan or credit that they then never receive. With behavioural scientists INFLUENCE AT WORK and music production company Soviet Science, the song has been produced make loan fee fraud guidance more memorable and more shareable.
It's What Queenslanders Do
how and why the ‘don’t act like a dick’ campaign was created — comms2point0
Bilharzia Campaign in Uganda | The Compass for SBC
Campaign To Call Out Sexism And Disrespect A Winner - B&T
interactive videos give viewer a chance to take action
The 10 Advertising Strategies That Work [The Advertising Effect – Speed Summary] |
Basically, it’s Nudge for advertisers. Outlining ten evidence-based effective advertising strategies, each with a scientific underpinning, Adam Ferrier (psychologist and founder of Naked) is up there with fellow Antipodean Byron Sharp in terms of must-reads for marketers. Ferrier is a fan of ‘Action Advertising’ – influencing people by influencing actions rather than perceptions. Drawing on the evidence that advertising is notoriously poor at direct persuasion, Ferrier outlines 10 ways to influence actions instead. The underlying logic is that the easiest way to persuade someone is to allow them to persuade themselves – and this will happen quite naturally if you prompt (nudge, spur) people to act in a way consistent with a desired behaviour. Why? Because we tend to align our perceptions with our actions to avoid the mental discomfort of cognitive dissonance. In other words, if you influence action, you influence perception. Moreover, because perception-change is only a means to an end, the end being behaviour-change (buy, buy more, buy for more) – Action Advertising orientates advertising to what really matters, actioning behaviour change. For Ferrier, advertising is and must be about behaviour change; ultimately if no behaviour is changed as a result of advertising, advertising is valueless.
Ads Don’t Work That Way | Melting Asphalt
Opinion | I Used Google Ads for Social Engineering. It Worked. - The New York Times
The Redirect Method Blueprint
The Redirect Method uses Adwords targeting tools and curated YouTube videos uploaded by people all around the world to confront online radicalization. It focuses on the slice of ISIS’ audience that is most susceptible to its messaging, and redirects them towards curated YouTube videos debunking ISIS recruiting themes. This open methodology was developed from interviews with ISIS defectors, respects users’ privacy and can be deployed to tackle other types of violent recruiting discourses online.
The effectiveness of public health advertisements to promote health: a randomized-controlled trial on 794,000 participants | npj Digital Medicine
Our results show that 48% of people who were exposed to the ads made future searches for weight loss information, compared with 32% of those in the control group—a 50% increase. The advertisements varied in efficacy. However, the effectiveness of the advertisements may be greatly improved by targeting individuals based on their lifestyle preferences and/or sociodemographic characteristics, which together explain 49% of the variation in response to the ads. These results demonstrate that online advertisements hold promise as a mechanism for changing population health behaviors.
Social Advertising Isn't Really Driving Conversions - eMarketer
An August 2017 survey from CivicScience, a next-generation consumer and media analytics company, found that very few US internet users have made a purchase based on ads they saw on social platforms, like Facebook or Snapchat.
Why Sexy Ads Don't Make Money
Nutri Bullet Infomercial
Great example of sales/marketing methods to learn from