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[http://quokka.ws/] - - public:megatux
ant, build, development, java, tools - 5 | id:227430 -

Quokka is a software build system, focusing on reproducible, modular builds with fine-grained dependency management. Quokka is implemented using Java and initially focuses on supporting Java-based projects and tools.

[http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/] - - public:megatux
agile, build, coverage, development, testing, tools - 6 | id:228820 -

Cobertura is a free Java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests. It can be used to identify which parts of your Java program are lacking test coverage. It is based on jcoverage.

[http://jayasoft.org/ivy] - - public:megatux
build, development, java, tools - 4 | id:228923 -

Ivy is a free java based dependency manager, with powerful features such as transitive dependencies, ant integration, maven repository compatibility, continuous integration, html reports and many more.

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