javascript - For ServiceWorker cache.addAll(), how do the URLs work? - Stack Overflow
cache.addAll treatment of '/' '/index.html', and other assets.
CycleTracker: Service workers - Progressive web apps | MDN
Solution to write a service worker using VERSION + implementing “install“ event. These 2 together forces the browser to clear old cache on version change.
caching - Service worker: check cached resources are up-to-date or latest - Stack Overflow
You have two options: Switch from your current cache-first strategy in your fetch handler to a strategy like stale-while-revalidate. Use a build-time tool to generate a service worker that changes each time one of your local resources changes, which will trigger the install and activate handlers, giving them a chance to update your users' caches with the latest copies of your assets. These tools work by generating hashes of each local file and inlining those hashes into the generated service worker script.
Service worker caching and HTTP caching | Articles |
caches global property - Web APIs | MDN
Strategies for service worker caching | Workbox | Chrome for Developers
Best description of how service worker should handle caching - network first, cache first etc.
android - When and how does a PWA update itself? - Stack Overflow
Only two events… In essence, there are only two events that will automatically trigger a PWA update: A change in the linked manifest.json; e.g. a changed icon file or a changed scope or start_url. A one-character change in the controlling service-worker.js. E.g., if you store the version number in a const in this file and change it, an update of the PWA will be triggered.
browser cache - How can I delete “locally stored data“ in Chrome? - Super User
MainWP - litespeed cache purge after update
How to clear the buffer/pagecache (disk cache) under Linux – The Geek Diary
lite speed cache settings
Nonce Caching and WordPress
suggestions to keep forms from caching.
Caching Personalised pages (like woo-commerce)
Useful (but technical guide) on keeping a page cached, but excluding items such as the cart total in the header from caching.
Reset the DNS cache in OS X - Apple Support
Get Started | Workbox | Google Developers
Get Started with Workbox.Get Started with Workbox.
web development - How can I make Chrome stop caching redirects? - Super User