2 Links > Tags: convert, svg Search Intersect Tags: , (+) Bookmarks from: All Users Your Bookmarks Specific user: Results SVG Encoder - Convert SVG to all type of IMG to paste into HTML [https://svgencode.com/] - 2024-04-26 14:25:58 - public:xxx convert, html, img, svg - 4 | id:1491121 - GitHub - yWorks/svg2pdf.js: A javascript-only SVG to PDF conversion utility that runs in the browser. Brought to you by yWorks - the diagramming experts [https://github.com/yWorks/svg2pdf.js] - 2021-09-18 13:24:03 - public:xxx comverting, convert, converter, javascript, js, library, pdf, svg - 8 | id:793274 - Follow Tagsconvert - Please Log In To follow this tag svg - Please Log In To follow this tag Export:JSONXMLRSS
SVG Encoder - Convert SVG to all type of IMG to paste into HTML [https://svgencode.com/] - 2024-04-26 14:25:58 - public:xxx convert, html, img, svg - 4 | id:1491121 -
GitHub - yWorks/svg2pdf.js: A javascript-only SVG to PDF conversion utility that runs in the browser. Brought to you by yWorks - the diagramming experts [https://github.com/yWorks/svg2pdf.js] - 2021-09-18 13:24:03 - public:xxx comverting, convert, converter, javascript, js, library, pdf, svg - 8 | id:793274 -