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[https://openpolicy.blog.gov.uk/2020/03/06/introducing-a-government-as-a-system-toolkit/] - - public:weinreich
behavior_change, design, government, management, strategy - 5 | id:1489668 -

The new toolkit crosses local, central and international government action. It has many of the elements of the previous framework but also covers new ground. The most obvious is that we have changed the horizontal axis to better reflect the way government works in practice. This has meant including a number of new areas namely, influencing, engaging, designing, developing, resourcing, delivering and controlling (or managing). The vertical axis still follows the same logic from ‘softer’ more collaborative power at the top, down to more formal government power at the bottom of the axis. The update includes many familiar things from nudging behaviour to convening power and also adds new areas like deliberative approaches such as citizen juries. This is the framework for Policy Lab's new Government as a System toolkit. The new Government as a System toolkit framework. When looking across the whole system, it now has 56 distinct actions. Of course this isn’t an exhaustive set of options, you could create more and more detail as there is always more complexity and nuance that can be found in government. Importantly, we want policymakers to be considering how multiple levers are used together to address complex problems.

[https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/15245004231187134] - - public:weinreich
design, evaluation, management, social_marketing, strategy - 5 | id:1484374 -

While failure in social marketing practice represents an emerging research agenda, the discipline has not yet considered this concept systematically or cohesively. This lack of a clear conceptualization of failure in social marketing to aid practice thus presents a significant research gap.

[https://www.innovasjonnorge.no/no/subsites/hipnorway/tools-and-resources/] - - public:weinreich
design, how_to, management, partnerships, strategy - 5 | id:1125296 -

On this page we share practical tools and resources that may help humanitarian organisations in their efforts to innovate in partnership with the private sector. Publisert 29 nov 2019 Tools for innovative procurement Step by step guide to innovation friendly procurement This guide developed with TINKR and The National Programme for Supplier Development takes you through the different steps of doing an innovation-friendly procurement process in the humanitarian sector Click her to download. Tools for needs assessment Needs checklist: This checklist is a tool to evaluate if you have done relevant activities to understand as much as possible about the need/problem you are trying to solve before you move on to the market dialogue. Click here to download. Needs matrix: This matrix will help you to describe the needs your project is trying to solve and translate these into criteria you can use in your tender announcement. Click here to download. Template for invitation to market dialogue This is a template that you can use when you are inviting the private sector to a market dialogue: Click here to download. Planning template for market dialogue This template will guide you through the steps of planning and executing a market dialogue. Click here to download. Example of an innovation friendly procurement process from the humanitarian sector (The DIGID project) This is a summary of the innovation firendly procurement process conducted by The Humanitarian Innovation Platform in the DIGID project. Click here to download. Resources from the DIGID project The Humanitarian Innovaiton Platform, consisting of four Norwegian NGOs, have gathered useful resources like call for proposals document, concept note template, etc. from their innovation friendly procurement process. Go to this page to download other resources. Tools for scaling innovations Scaling model, by Tinkr This report presents the key elements of a scaling framework developed in a collaboration between Tinkr and the Norwegian Red Cross. Click here to download the scaling impact model. Tool for scaling, by Tinkr This tool will help you reflect on the scaling potential for your innovation, formulate your scaling ambition, consider which contextual factors and differences will be key to addressing in our project, and what interventions and stakeholders you can engage throughout the project to increase our likeliness of succeeding with scaling. Click here to download PPT version, and here to download PDF version. The scaling scan, by PPP Lab The scaling scan is apractical tool to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your scaling ambition. Click here to download the scaling scan. Tools for business models and IP Tools for sustainable business models Register here to receive three useful tools for sustainable business models, developed by Reodor Innovation Studios. Presentation on intellectual property What are intangible assets and IP/IPR? How can IP be protected and used? Why does IP matter? Presentation by IP expert Felipe Aguilera-Børresen. Download presentation here. Tools for communications Communications Strategy Canvas: The canvas will help you kick start your communicaitons strategy for your innovation project. Click here to download. Article on communications in innovation projects Click here to read. Social media quick tips The article provides some useful tips on how you can use social media to spark engagement about your innovation projects. Click here to read. Reports Background paper for the conference “Innovative Financing – Business models for sustainable humanitarian action“, organized by Innovation Norway and KPMG on 27th of November 2019*. Click here to download. “Leveraging the private sector in the field of protection“. Report by Oxford Research for Innovation Norway*. Click here to download. “Humanitarian organisation's use of pro bono services in innovation projects“ - Report by KPMG for Innovation Norway*. Click here to download.

[https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14719037.2019.1619810] - - public:weinreich
design, management, strategy, target_audience - 4 | id:266012 -

While co-design with users has evolved as a promising approach to service innovation, it remains unclear how it can be used in public service contexts. This article addresses this knowledge gap by applying a co-design framework during the ideation stage of six public service design projects. The findings provide insights into (a) recruiting and sensitizing suitable service users, (b) conditions enabling users to co-design ideas, and (c) requirements for implementation of user-driven ideas. The article contributes an approach that shifts public service design away from an expert-driven process towards enabling users as active and equal idea contributors.

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