Go's Weird Little Iterators · mcyoung
valyala/fasthttp: Fast HTTP package for Go. Tuned for high performance. Zero memory allocations in hot paths. Up to 10x faster than net/http
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software - Awesome Go / Golang
Excelize Official Docs - Go Excel Library
The Wails Project | Wails
tk9_0 package - - Go Packages
Home · wneessen/go-mail Wiki
tk9_0 package - - Go Packages
pdfcpu/pdfcpu: A PDF processor written in Go.
Range Over Function Types - The Go Programming Language
Writing generic collection types in Go: the missing documentation | DoltHub Blog
GitHub - quasilyte/roboden-game: An indirect control real-time strategy game about robot colonies
Ebiten UI - Components for buttons and UX in EbitenEngine for Go Golang Graphics Interface
Visual Guide to Slices in Go — Ozan Sazak
Learning Go in 2024; From Beginner to Senior
PuerkitoBio/goquery: A little like that j-thing, only in Go.
dunglas/frankenphp: The modern PHP app server
mmcdole/gofeed: Parse RSS, Atom and JSON feeds in Go
Inbucket - email testing server (smtp + pop) for volitaile emails
TinyGo on Pimoroni Cosmic Unicorn: Part 1 by zegl
golang-module/carbon: A simple, semantic and developer-friendly golang package for time
tealeg/xlsx: Go library for reading and writing XLSX files.
Exploring Go 1.22: Effective HTTP Routing Strategies — Talkative Developer
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