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LLMs from Scratch Using Middle School Math | Towards Data Science [https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-llms-from-scratch-using-middle-school-math-e602d27ec876] - 2024-11-15 16:36:28 - public:xxx ai, artificial, intelligence, learn, machinelearning, ml, simple, to_read - 8 | id:1510345 -
Generative AI for Beginners [https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/#/] - 2023-11-29 18:25:04 - public:xxx ai, artificial, intelligence, learn, llm, machinelearning, ml, programming, tutorials - 9 | id:1485360 -
The Getting Started with AI Stack for JavaScript | Andreessen Horowitz [https://a16z.com/2023/06/21/the-getting-started-with-ai-stack-for-javascript/] - 2023-06-23 14:22:35 - public:xxx ai, artificial, book, intelligence, learn, machinelearning, ml, tutorials - 8 | id:1461514 -
The A-Z of AI [https://atozofai.withgoogle.com/intl/en-US/] - 2020-06-26 14:16:46 - public:xxx ai, artificial, intelligence, learn, machinelearning, ml - 6 | id:350486 - Learn everything about AI and ML