Two.js • Homepage - games and graphics drawing library for javascript
Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust
Optimizing your JavaScript game for Firefox OS - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
Optimizing canvas - Web APIs | MDN
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javascript - HTML5 Canvas Performance and Optimization Tips, Tricks and Coding Best Practices - Stack Overflow
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Efficiently load JavaScript with defer and async
React is Slow, React is Fast: Optimizing React Apps in Practice
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React is slow - just like other frontend frameworks. But if you care about performance, it's fairly easy to make any React application super fast. Here is how.
A Netflix Web Performance Case Study – Dev Channel – Medium
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Netflix removed react and moved to vanilla js to improve performance
Build the future of the web with modern JavaScript (Google I/O ’18) - YouTube
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This presentation gives an overview of cutting-edge JavaScript development techniques to build modern web and Node.js apps. Discover which features to expect...
Octane — Google Developers
jQuery.each vs. for loop · jsPerf
Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Google JavaScript Style Guide
JavaScript Performance Best Practices - Forum Nokia Wiki
codeNothing? 8 jQuery Micro Optimization Tips
Quick Function: Easy CSS Compression with PHP and mod_rewrite | Roger Stringer
Memory leak patterns in JavaScript
minify - Project Hosting on Google Code
JSLint, The JavaScript Code Quality Tool
Google Closure: How not to write JavaScript
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