
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[https://www.ygetit.org/tested-comic?fbclid=IwAR2FufrNANh04ViYqPhKXwxRPZy0AP5xwOZhHPt2BqwG6hldBfCuGW1iQ0A] - - public:weinreich
entertainment_education, health_communication, HIV_AIDS, mental_health, sample_campaigns, storytelling, substance_abuse - 7 | id:1010736 -

Tested is an award-winning comic book that features diverse characters affected by a broad range of health conditions and related social issues. With a touch of heart and humor, 'Tested' depicts a diverse cast of characters affected by stigma, HIV, STIs, substance use, LGBTQ+ issues, and much more.

[https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj-2021-067726] - - public:weinreich
campaign_effects, entertainment_education, mental_health - 3 | id:959223 -

Results In the 34 day period after the three events with the strongest public attention (the song’s release, the MTV Video Music Awards 2017, and Grammy Awards 2018), Lifeline received an excess of 9915 calls (95% confidence interval 6594 to 13 236), an increase of 6.9% (95% confidence interval 4.6% to 9.2%, P

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