
Yet Another Bookmarks Service



[https://www.ygetit.org/tested-comic?fbclid=IwAR2FufrNANh04ViYqPhKXwxRPZy0AP5xwOZhHPt2BqwG6hldBfCuGW1iQ0A] - - public:weinreich
entertainment_education, health_communication, HIV_AIDS, mental_health, sample_campaigns, storytelling, substance_abuse - 7 | id:1010736 -

Tested is an award-winning comic book that features diverse characters affected by a broad range of health conditions and related social issues. With a touch of heart and humor, 'Tested' depicts a diverse cast of characters affected by stigma, HIV, STIs, substance use, LGBTQ+ issues, and much more.

[https://fineacts.co/blog/2020/4/25/calling-all-creatives-join-our-new-global-art-campaign-on-hope] - - public:weinreich
graphic_design, health_communication, mental_health - 3 | id:309738 -

Our new campaign – called Spring of Hope – shares one powerful and uplifting illustration per day, every day, until the end of May –– https://fineacts.co/hope. All works, commissioned specifically for the campaign, are published under a Creative Commons License and are free to print, share and adapt non-commercially – for anyone who needs a dose of hope in these trying times.

[http://affectivebrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/41562_2019_793_OnlinePDF_2.pdf] - - public:weinreich
health_communication, mental_health, technology - 3 | id:277149 -

Immense amounts of information are now accessible to people, including information that bears on their past, present and future. An important research challenge is to determine how people decide to seek or avoid information. Here we propose a framework of information-seeking that aims to integrate the diverse motives that drive information-seeking and its avoidance. Our framework rests on the idea that information can alter people’s action, affect and cognition in both positive and negative ways. The suggestion is that people assess these influences and integrate them into a calculation of the value of information that leads to information-seeking or avoidance. The theory offers a framework for characterizing and quantifying individual differences in information-seeking, which we hypothesize may also be diagnostic of mental health. We consider biases that can lead to both insufficient and excessive information-seeking. We also discuss how the framework can help government agencies to assess the welfare effects of mandatory information disclosure.

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