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[https://mborgerson.com/creating-an-executable-from-a-python-script] - - public:Trinsec
Guide, Import, programming, Python, Software, Windows - 6 | id:72315 -

Fortunately, there are some pretty awesome open-source tools that can be used to package a Python program into a standalone binary executable that contains everything needed to run the application (i.e. Python interpreter, program code, libraries, data, etc.).

[http://www.pyinstaller.org] - - public:Trinsec
Guide, Import, programming, Python, Software, Windows - 6 | id:72316 -

PyInstaller is a program that freezes (packages) Python programs into stand-alone executables, under Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris and AIX. Its main advantages over similar tools are that PyInstaller works with Python 2.7 and 3.3—3.5, it builds smaller executables thanks to transparent compression, it is fully multi-platform, and use the OS support to load the dynamic libraries, thus ensuring full compatibility.

[http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/py2exe/] - - public:zhesto
programming, python, windows - 3 | id:21181 -

A Python distutils extension which converts python scripts into executable windows programs, able to run without requiring a python installation.

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