A Guide to Complexity-Aware Monitoring Approaches for MOMENTUM Projects - USAID MOMENTUM
IndiKit - Guidance on SMART Indicators for Relief and Development Projects | IndiKit
Using a Translator During Usability Testing (Video)
Language data - Translators without Borders
Language data There is little information available on the languages crisis-affected people speak and understand. Humanitarians often develop communication strategies without reliable data on literacy, languages spoken, or preferred means of communication. The result too often is that crisis-affected people struggle to communicate with humanitarian organizations in a language they understand. Women, children, older people, and people with disabilities are often at the greatest disadvantage because they are less likely to understand international languages and lingua francas. TWB’s Language Data Initiative addresses those issues and provides important resources for humanitarians. It supports humanitarian organizations to develop language-informed programs and communication strategies. Click on a country on the map below to see language data, resources, and maps that we have available for that country. This map will update as new data is published in the future.
Serious games – Humanitarian User Research | PAXsims
A Practical Guide to Conducting a Barrier Analysis
Behaviour Change - tools for development
This website offers practical tools helping relief and development practitioners understand and tackle the barriers that prevent people from following the desired behaviours.
Catalogue for predictive models in the humanitarian sector – The Centre for Humanitarian Data
Digital 2020: Global Digital Overview — DataReportal – Global Digital Insights
HXL Dash
HXLDash is a dashboard and online mapping tool designed for humanitarians and humanitarian contexts. HXLDash's aim is to make creating dashboards possible in less than 2 minutes by leveraging the power of the Humanitarian Exchange Language and linking to the common operation datasets.
Humanitarian Data Exchange
The Facebook-Loving Farmers of Myanmar - The Atlantic
The weirdest people in the world?
HealthMap | Global disease alert map
World Social Marketing Conference 08 Keynote Session Presentations
Google Earth Outreach - Showcase: Public Health
Putting your computer to work to fight against malaria in Africa
CERN wants to borrow your computer to run simulations with - from