4 Links > Tags: transparency Search Intersect Tags: (+) Bookmarks from: All Users Your Bookmarks Specific user: Results สถาบันเพิ่มผลผลิตแห่งชาติ - FTPI [https://www.ftpi.or.th/2015/2247] - 2024-04-04 07:42:57 - public:stevetao 3T, HR, Thankfulness, Tip, Transparency, Trust - 6 | id:1490867 - Government requests directed to Google and YouTube [http://www.google.com/governmentrequests/] - 2010-04-21 00:11:26 - public:time censorship, data, google, government, privacy, statistics, transparency - 7 | id:3318 - Federal IT Dashboard [http://it.usaspending.gov/] - 2009-09-29 19:43:58 - public:time chart, dashboard, economy, eta, federal, government, money, spending, statistics, technology, transparency, USA, visualization, web2.0 - 14 | id:3543 - PNG transparency test [http://www.entropymine.com/jason/testbed/pngtrans/] - 2007-06-06 18:07:07 - public:Trinsec graphics, Import, PNG, Transparency - 4 | id:72200 - Follow Tagstransparency - Please Log In To follow this tag Export:JSONXMLRSS
สถาบันเพิ่มผลผลิตแห่งชาติ - FTPI [https://www.ftpi.or.th/2015/2247] - 2024-04-04 07:42:57 - public:stevetao 3T, HR, Thankfulness, Tip, Transparency, Trust - 6 | id:1490867 -
Government requests directed to Google and YouTube [http://www.google.com/governmentrequests/] - 2010-04-21 00:11:26 - public:time censorship, data, google, government, privacy, statistics, transparency - 7 | id:3318 -
Federal IT Dashboard [http://it.usaspending.gov/] - 2009-09-29 19:43:58 - public:time chart, dashboard, economy, eta, federal, government, money, spending, statistics, technology, transparency, USA, visualization, web2.0 - 14 | id:3543 -
PNG transparency test [http://www.entropymine.com/jason/testbed/pngtrans/] - 2007-06-06 18:07:07 - public:Trinsec graphics, Import, PNG, Transparency - 4 | id:72200 -