Overview of Behaviour Change Frameworks - YouTube - Bri Williams
Three Types of Stories - Tom Vaughan
Story revolves around transformation and change, defined as the “Transformational journey of a human being.“ First type: A character changes drastically for the better, exemplified by “A Christmas Carol“ and “Groundhog Day.“ Second type: A character remains steadfast in their beliefs, changing the people around them instead. Third type: A character fails to change or realizes the need to change too late, resulting in a tragedy. The essence of a story is determined by its support of transformation, guiding what to include or exclude in the narrative.
Sensemaker - map of subcultures in org
This is a map of subcultures within an organization (it's called a fitness landscape). It's built from stories told by the people in the organization. What can you do with it? Understand where the culture(s) are and request changes by saying I want “More stories like these...“ and “Fewer like those...“ Dave Snowden and The Cynefin Company (formerly Cognitive Edge) are offering impactful ways to visualize culture, and communicate direction in a manner that is customized to where each subculture is now and where their next best step is. Watch this video until 48:48 for more on the science and method (Link at 44:33) Stories collected using The Cynefin Co's Sensemaker tool.
Using Animated Videos to Increase Patient Knowledge: A Meta-Analytic Review - Thomas Hugh Feeley, Maria Keller, Liise Kayler, 2022
Saudi Census Ad
The Saudi General Authority for Statistics is running an ad gently asking people to stop inviting census takers into their homes for coffee and meals.
Campaign To Call Out Sexism And Disrespect A Winner - B&T
interactive videos give viewer a chance to take action
Ogilvy on Twitter: “Getting kids to wash their hands is hard, especially in places where adults too overlook hand hygiene. This behavior changing idea turned hand washing into an everyday habit & won the Creative Effectiveness Grand Prix at #CannesLions #
soap-infused sticks of chalk
Poop on Demand - collect stool sample at clinic instead of in home
Immortal Fans - YouTube
This video explains a campaign with Brazil’s biggest football club asking people to become an immortal fan by becoming an organ donor. The campaign reduced the wait list for organs to zero.
The Redirect Method Blueprint
The Redirect Method uses Adwords targeting tools and curated YouTube videos uploaded by people all around the world to confront online radicalization. It focuses on the slice of ISIS’ audience that is most susceptible to its messaging, and redirects them towards curated YouTube videos debunking ISIS recruiting themes. This open methodology was developed from interviews with ISIS defectors, respects users’ privacy and can be deployed to tackle other types of violent recruiting discourses online.
Agents of Change Summit 2018 - YouTube
29 videos of sessions on behavior change