35 Genius Life Hacks Everyone Should Know, Especially #18 | SF Globe [http://sfglobe.com/?id=1657] - 2014-08-15 05:45:55 - public:time lifehacks, MTOW, tips - 3 | id:1850 -
The Formula for Staying Together | Psychology Today [http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/counseling-keys/201403/the-formula-staying-together] - 2014-08-05 16:32:12 - public:time marriage, psychology, relationship - 3 | id:1851 -
Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire [http://imperium.ahlfeldt.se/] - 2014-08-03 15:46:17 - public:time history, maps, roman, romanempire, rome - 5 | id:1852 -
California ISO - Energy Imbalance Market [http://www.caiso.com/informed/pages/stakeholderprocesses/energyimbalancemarket.aspx] - 2014-07-21 17:24:17 - public:time casio - 1 | id:1853 -
Washington County Republican Party [http://www.gopwashingtoncounty.org/] - 2014-07-21 04:22:29 - public:time drupal, party, politics, wcrp - 4 | id:1854 -
250 Selected [http://imgur.com/gallery/EgUEv4r] - 2014-07-21 04:18:40 - public:time 16830760, 300225831 - 2 | id:1855 -
Typo Changes Declaration of Independence - The Daily Beast [http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2014/07/03/typo-changes-declaration-of-independence.html] - 2014-07-04 06:31:45 - public:time DoI, further, research, WTH - 4 | id:1856 -
Fascinating graphics show who owns all the major brands in the world [http://sploid.gizmodo.com/fascinating-graphic-shows-who-owns-all-the-major-brands-1599537576] - 2014-07-04 04:47:00 - public:time branding, consolidation, mtow, world - 4 | id:1857 -
All the solid surfaces in the solar system stitched in one brilliant map [http://sploid.gizmodo.com/all-the-solid-surfaces-in-the-solar-system-stitched-in-1599555729] - 2014-07-04 04:46:12 - public:time area, infographic, mtow, planets, surface - 5 | id:1858 -
General Discussion | Miles/Points | Milepoint [http://milepoint.com/forums/forums/general-discussion-miles-points.3/] - 2014-07-03 05:05:56 - public:time airline, flights, forum, loyalty - 4 | id:1859 -
Why Drupal? First Principles | Acquia [https://www.acquia.com/blog/why-drupal-first-principles] - 2014-07-02 07:11:43 - public:time Durpal, FOSS - 2 | id:1861 - cost efficiency
The new 501(c)(3) and the future of free software in the United States | Jim Nelson / Yorba blog archives [http://blogs.gnome.org/jnelson/2014/06/30/the-new-501c3-and-the-future-of-free-software-in-the-united-states/] - 2014-07-02 06:12:30 - public:time FOSS, IRS, opensource, ruling - 4 | id:1862 -
The Quest to Create Hot Air Soap Bubbles [http://www.cockeyed.com/science/hot_bubbles/hot_bubbles04.shtml] - 2014-06-26 04:36:28 - public:time bubbles, cool, diy, fun, howto, project - 6 | id:1863 -
OK Go - The Writing's On the Wall - Official Video - YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m86ae_e_ptU] - 2014-06-18 09:31:31 - public:time mtow, music, perspective, video - 4 | id:1864 -
How to Fold a Julia Fractal — Acko.net [http://acko.net/blog/to-infinity-and-beyond/] - 2014-06-16 20:49:47 - public:time 3d, calculus, education, inspiration, math, physics - 6 | id:1865 -
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Throw Away Your Television live 2004 - YouTube [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o9luZwNSuE] - 2014-06-11 09:33:25 - public:time music, rhcp, video, wow - 4 | id:1866 -
Noise Generator Calibration [http://mynoise.net/calibration.php] - 2014-06-11 07:38:51 - public:time audio, calibration, filter - 3 | id:1867 -
Ignorance Is Bliss: Study Shows People Avoid Information About Complex Social Issues | The Unbounded Spirit [http://theunboundedspirit.com/ignorance-is-bliss-study-shows-people-avoid-information-about-complex-social-issues/] - 2014-06-06 00:34:13 - public:time complexity, people, pscyhology, research, social - 5 | id:1868 -
The Recession: A Look at Employment | Armchair Scholar [http://www.armchairscholar.com/the-recession-a-look-at-employment/] - 2014-06-05 07:38:32 - public:time graphs, infographics, unemployment - 3 | id:1869 -
South Korean Elections Broadcast - Imgur [http://imgur.com/a/BMTPF] - 2014-06-04 23:52:31 - public:time broadcast, elections, korea - 3 | id:1870 -
5 Demographic Trends Shaping The World - Business Insider [http://www.businessinsider.com/5-demographic-trends-shaping-the-world-2014-4] - 2014-06-03 23:04:49 - public:time aging, demographics - 2 | id:1871 -
The real 10 algorithms that dominate our world — Tech Talk — Medium [https://medium.com/tech-talk/the-real-10-algorithms-that-dominate-our-world-e95fa9f16c04] - 2014-05-30 07:03:56 - public:time algorithims, code, programming - 3 | id:1872 -
Another way to see the US: Map of where nobody lives - Greater Greater Washington [http://greatergreaterwashington.org/post/22533/another-way-to-see-the-us-map-of-where-nobody-lives/] - 2014-05-29 02:20:45 - public:time demographics, maps, population - 3 | id:1873 -
CheerLights [http://www.cheerlights.com/] - 2014-05-26 06:53:55 - public:time holiday, iot, lights, projects, raspberryPi - 5 | id:1874 -
The Racial Dot Map: One Dot Per Person for the Entire U.S. [http://demographics.coopercenter.org/DotMap/index.html] - 2014-05-16 18:00:53 - public:time census, data, demographics, mapping, maps, visualization - 6 | id:1875 -
Our Favorite Maps of 2013 - Emily Badger - The Atlantic Cities [http://www.theatlanticcities.com/technology/2013/12/most-innovative-maps-2013/7952/] - 2014-05-15 04:59:48 - public:time cartography, datavis, map, maps, visualization - 5 | id:1876 -
User Guide Ver 1.5 - PicasaStarter [https://sites.google.com/site/picasastartersite/downloads/user-guide] - 2014-05-08 17:15:53 - public:time netowrk, picassa, tools - 3 | id:1877 -
27 U.S. States North of Canada -- Map [http://barelybad.com/north_of_canada_map.htm#states_entirely_north] - 2014-05-06 06:07:57 - public:time canada, facts, maps, mtow - 4 | id:1878 -
9 Ways to Boost Meaning in Your Job | Psychology Today [http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-purpose-economy/201404/9-ways-boost-meaning-in-your-job?tr=HomeEssentials] - 2014-04-30 23:36:47 - public:time life, lifehacks, purpose, work - 4 | id:1879 -
20 MRI Scans of Fruits and Vegetables. These Are Both Mesmerizing and Vaguely Terrifying. [http://offbeat.topix.com/story/11415] - 2014-04-28 20:48:00 - public:time fruit, images, mtow, xray - 4 | id:1880 -
Sculptures from shards of glass... - Imgur [http://imgur.com/gallery/vdWT0] - 2014-04-24 05:24:47 - public:time art, glass, mtow, scuplture - 4 | id:1881 -
NASA Technology Transfer Portal [http://technology.nasa.gov/] - 2014-04-24 05:11:25 - public:time freeware, nasa, opensource, software - 4 | id:1882 -
The Forgotten Giant Arrows that Guide you Across America | Messy Nessy Chic [http://www.messynessychic.com/2013/11/15/the-forgotten-giant-arrows-that-guide-you-across-america/] - 2014-04-18 12:11:42 - public:time aviation, communications, history, mail, mtow, usa - 6 | id:1883 -
30 Best Online Books for Artificial Intelligence | DesignZum [http://designzum.com/2014/04/08/best-free-online-books-for-artificial-intelligenceai/] - 2014-04-09 00:05:56 - public:time ai, books, ebook, intelligence, learning, machinelearning - 6 | id:1884 -
Developers Playgrounds to Play & Learn - Bytes Cravings [http://vitalflux.com/developers-playgrounds-play-learn/] - 2014-04-02 02:37:27 - public:time api, code, diy, html, programming, sandbox - 6 | id:1885 -
Dimensions - A walk through mathematics ! - YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLelIK3uylPMGj__g3PeO9yg1QTCiKhwgF] - 2014-03-31 00:45:31 - public:time Mathematics, ssa, teaching, youtube - 4 | id:1886 -
Diana Krall Tickets at Paramount Theatre-WashingtApril 16 2014 - Available at TicketsNow [http://www.ticketsnow.com/InventoryBrowse/Diana-Krall-Tickets-at-Paramount-Theatre-Washington-in-Seattle-4-16-2014?PID=1483920] - 2014-03-31 00:16:56 - public:time forsale, tickets - 2 | id:1887 -
Gpg4win - Download Gpg4win [http://www.gpg4win.org/download.html] - 2014-03-31 00:11:49 - public:time encryption, utilities, windows - 3 | id:1888 -
Gosing - Freeware Karaoke Player [http://www.gosing.com/] - 2014-03-31 00:04:46 - public:time diy, karaoke, player, singalong - 4 | id:1889 -
Microke - Karaoke Player [http://www.microke.com/] - 2014-03-31 00:04:20 - public:time diy, homebrew, karaoke - 3 | id:1890 -
How To Persuade People Online - 17 Lesser Known Jedi Mind Tricks [http://conversionxl.com/17-lesser-known-ways-to-persuade-people/] - 2014-03-30 23:55:23 - public:time brain, hacks, mindhacks, sales - 4 | id:1891 -
OpenVPN Support Forum • OpenVPN Gateway Image for raspberry pi (with/ witho airport) : Howto's [https://forums.openvpn.net/topic13860.html] - 2014-03-30 23:52:57 - public:time access, diy, openvpn, point, raspberryPi, vpn - 6 | id:1892 -
Homemade VPN server (raspberryPI+raspbian) - BlackBerry Forums at CrackBerry.com [http://forums.crackberry.com/blackberry-10-os-f269/homemade-vpn-server-raspberrypi-raspbian-850976/] - 2014-03-30 23:52:39 - public:time access, diy, point, raspberryPi, vpn - 5 | id:1893 -
Raspberry Pi OpenVPN Server Tutorial [http://raspberrypihelp.net/tutorials/1-openvpn-server-tutorial] - 2014-03-30 23:51:53 - public:time access, diy, point, raspberryPi, vpn - 5 | id:1894 -
James Slootweg - Using Your Raspberry Pi As A Vpn Access Point [http://jamesslootweg.com/view/Using_your_Raspberry_Pi_as_a_VPN_access_point] - 2014-03-30 23:51:29 - public:time access, diy, point, raspberryPi, vpn - 5 | id:1895 -
Teach with Portals [http://www.teachwithportals.com/] - 2014-03-30 23:50:29 - public:time open, portals, ssa, teaching, universe - 5 | id:1896 -
If We Assume: Visualizing the Evolution of Cars [http://www.ifweassume.com/2013/01/visualizing-evolution-of-cars.html] - 2014-03-30 23:48:25 - public:time automotive, efficiency, infographics, statistics - 4 | id:1897 -
10 Things To Do After Setting Up Raspberry Pi | Axatrikx [http://blog.axatrikx.com/2014/02/27/10-things-setting-up-raspberry-pi/] - 2014-03-19 21:20:20 - public:time diy, hacks, homeautomation, raspberryPi - 4 | id:1898 -
Donald Duck - Mathmagic Land - YouTube [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_ZHsk0-eF0&feature=youtu.be] - 2014-03-10 06:12:34 - public:time learning, math, ssa, teaching, videos - 5 | id:1899 -
11 Amazing Photos of Yao Ming Next to Regular-Sized People - 11 Points [http://www.11points.com/Sports/11_Amazing_Photos_of_Yao_Ming_Next_to_Regular-Sized_People] - 2014-02-27 18:23:14 - public:time differences, mtow, people, scale, size - 5 | id:1900 -