Mondays are good days to start thinking healthy
Rebranding Mondays as the day to get back on track with healthy behaviors
Rebranding Mondays as the day to get back on track with healthy behaviors
Great tips from Pamela Slim (and in the comments) on things to remember when working with people from other countries
"Much of the decrease is due to smoking cessation and improved detection and treatment of colorectal, breast and prostate cancers." Hooray for social marketing's role in this!
It surpassed antibiotics, the discovery of DNA, and anesthesia, which were among the top five milestones in the poll.
Point of purchase social marketing
Collected posts on the theme of Gatesgate (as dubbed, I believe, by Allison Fine) - the recent revelations that some of the Gates Foundation's investments run counter to its philanthropic work
Chris Anderson on PR 2.0 - using social media for public relations
How many of the brand fonts can you identify? Probably more than you'd care to admit. (via Another Limited Rebellion)
Intro to social marketing slide presentation by R. Craig Lefebvre
SEIN is an “open access” library of academic research, class notes, sample exams, etc., dedicated to the social and environmental impacts of business from the Aspen Institute's
A great list of marketing blogs to explore (and I'm in the top 50 - yeehaw!)
These organizations are winners because of their web 2.0 smarts and a willingness to engage their constituents far beyond asking them to dig into their pockets.
The FBI hosted a workshop for screenwriters to help Hollywood portray the agency more realistically.
Trying to figure out how to present your information visually? This interactive chart will give you lots of ideas.
Quote: "Everywhere I go I see the phone as a cause of progress, creating economic development and social change."
Free article from J. of Health Communication that identifies four segments of the adult popn with regard to health information preferences based on their degree of engagement in health enhancement, and degree of independence in health decision making.
Hosted at The Nonprofit Consultant Blog
Tara Hunt raves about a great service that makes it easier to use public transportation most of the time and forgo owning a car.
When Federal Health Experts Troubleshoot TV Medical Dramas, They Expect a Payback
Best and worst of cause marketing in 2006 according to Paul Jones of the Cause-Related Marketing blog
Teenage girls who frequently read magazine articles about dieting were more likely five years later to practice extreme weight-loss measures such as vomiting than girls who never read such articles.
On using the microfinance model to improve health care options for the poor (thanks to Mike Newton-Ward for the link)
Doctors in rural Wales are using YouTube to give health advice to patients. (via Micro Persuasion)
The San Francisco Dept of Public Health is considering how to proceed with their HIV/AIDS social marketing efforts. Critics have called for a two-year moratorium on such ads.
Sell items on eBay (regift your unwanted holiday presents?) and raise money for heart health through MIssionFish.
San Francisco's Social Marketing Campaign to Increase Syphilis Testing among Gay and Bisexual Men (thanks to Fard Johnmar for the link)
"An online repository of information around humanitarian and social causes, with the intent of creating a place where people can both get motivated to act on them and find immediate, varied tips on how to do it."
TV doctors may be fictional, but viewers still listen carefully to what they say
A downloadable publication for people in social change organizations that focuses on strategies for mobilizing concerned people to supportive action by identifying and leveraging their activation points. (via Guy Kawasaki)
The Media Volunteer Project lets people from the nonprofit community share their own media contact information in exchange for access to everyone else's information.
Bob Belinoff brings social marketing into the digital age.
Three ad agencies take a stab at creating ads promoting energy conservation. Why not ask social marketers? (free registration required)
Introductory social marketing publications from the now officially launched center
Global healthcare blogger survey results
A wiki on Web 2.0 best practices for nonprofits created by Michelle Martin from the Bamboo Project Blog
A nice summary from Beth Kanter
Seems to be time for the end of the year wrap-ups in different categories!
"A directory of the best nonprofit, grassroots, and advocacy campaign websites dedicated to making a difference in the world."
Britt Bravo's list of great examples of using the internet to promote a cause
Using affinity social-cause marketing techniques -- as opposed to sports/entertainment affinity marketing -- increases consumers' perception of brands' trustworthiness, according to a recent MIT Sloan Management Review article. (via WOM Research newslette
A Conversation Between Joan Montgomerie and Metta Spencer about Metta's New Book, "Two Aspirins and a Comedy: How Television Can Enhance Health and Society"
Marc at npMarketing Blog shows how the long tail applies to nonprofits
Two nonprofit case studies from Getting Attention
Honoring MySpace members (organizations and individuals) engaging the MySpace community in a variety of important causes. Nominate someone you think should be recognized.
Article about "Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die" in Time Magazine. I'm currently reading this book and will post a review soon. So far it's two thumbs and two big toes up!
Logic+Emotion's David Armano has graphically portrayed U2 frontman Bono's philanthropic empire
Article about how nonprofits are getting their health and social issues into television plotlines from LA Times
Uses Greenpeace's campaign to make Apple products more ecofriendly as an excellent example of how to use social media effectively.
It's a competitive world out there -- not just against those marketing unhealthy products, but with other equally worthy causes. Accept this and show how you are different from the others and more relevant to your audience's lives.