Kontra.js – What is Kontra.js? - js game small game engine library [https://straker.github.io/kontra/] - 2022-02-18 21:28:59 - public:xxx gamedev, gameengine, games, javascript, js, js13kgames, library - 7 | id:1022149 -
PieceX - Buy and Sell Code, Applications, Plugins, Templates and more [https://www.piecex.com/homes/index] - 2022-02-18 07:03:37 - public:xxx buy, code, marketplace, sell, snippets - 5 | id:1022140 -
jless - Command Line JSON Viewer [https://pauljuliusmartinez.github.io/] - 2022-02-17 21:09:37 - public:xxx commandline, json, linux, terminal, viewer - 5 | id:1022136 -
The Entire Cascade (as a funnel) [https://codepen.io/miriamsuzanne/pen/gOXRzBa] - 2022-02-17 11:59:58 - public:xxx cascading, cheatsheet, css, rule, webdesign - 5 | id:1022125 -
Knowledge Map | Learn JavaScript [https://learnjavascript.online/knowledge-map.html] - 2022-02-16 17:33:54 - public:xxx code, javascript, js, knowledge, map - 5 | id:1022114 -
pppointed → SVG arrow maker for all kinds of decorative arrow styles [https://fffuel.co/pppointed/] - 2022-02-15 08:40:46 - public:xxx arrow, arrows, generator, svg - 4 | id:1022056 -
Apache ECharts [https://echarts.apache.org/en/index.html] - 2022-02-11 19:43:48 - public:xxx apache, charts, free, graphs, javascript, js, library, opensource - 8 | id:1022026 -
Simutrans - Transport Simulator [https://www.simutrans.com/en/] - 2022-02-11 16:54:12 - public:xxx city, free, games, opensource, sim, simcity, trains - 7 | id:1022025 -
PHP: The Right Way [https://phptherightway.com/] - 2022-02-11 16:46:42 - public:xxx code, development, learn, php, programming, webdev - 6 | id:1022024 -
Datawrapper: Create charts, maps, and tables [https://www.datawrapper.de/] - 2022-02-11 16:38:49 - public:xxx charts, document, embed, maps, text - 5 | id:1022023 -
Single-file PHP file manager, browser and photo gallery | Files [https://www.files.gallery/] - 2022-02-11 16:35:30 - public:xxx file, files, folders, images, photos, php - 6 | id:1022022 -
Sha256 Algorithm Explained [https://sha256algorithm.com/] - 2022-02-11 16:29:43 - public:xxx algorithms, code, sha256, tutorials - 4 | id:1022021 -
How does UTF-8 turn “ [https://sethmlarson.dev/blog/utf-8] - 2022-02-11 16:29:15 - public:xxx programming, tutorials, UTF8 - 3 | id:1022020 -
tutorial_r_introduction/README.md at main · karoliskoncevicius/tutorial_r_introduction [https://github.com/karoliskoncevicius/tutorial_r_introduction/blob/main/README.md] - 2022-02-11 16:27:43 - public:xxx code, development, introduction, R, tutorials - 5 | id:1022019 -
CSS Animations Tutorial: Complete Guide for Beginners [https://themeisle.com/blog/css-animations-tutorial/] - 2022-02-10 14:56:57 - public:xxx animation, css, tutorials, webdesign, webdev - 5 | id:1022000 -
RegEx Library [https://uibakery.io/regex-library] - 2022-02-10 14:51:31 - public:xxx code, javascript, js, php, programming, regex, sample, snippets - 8 | id:1021999 -
Rare color photos from the Second World War, 1941-1945 - Rare Historical Photos [https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/color-photos-from-second-world-war/] - 2022-02-05 18:25:14 - public:xxx amazing, color, II, photos, war, world, wwii - 7 | id:1021879 -
DarkPattern.games » Healthy Gaming « Avoid Addictive Dark Patterns [https://www.darkpattern.games/] - 2022-02-05 18:19:28 - public:xxx darkpatterns, exp, gamedev, games, mobile, patterns, psychology - 7 | id:1021878 -
Edouard Klein / falsisign · GitLab - make it looks like a pdf was signed and scanned [https://gitlab.com/edouardklein/falsisign] - 2022-02-05 18:18:02 - public:xxx pdf, scanner, sign, signature, utility - 5 | id:1021877 -
decalage2/awesome-security-hardening: A collection of awesome security hardening guides, tools and other resources [https://github.com/decalage2/awesome-security-hardening] - 2022-02-05 18:12:45 - public:xxx book, guide, hardening, linux, list, security - 6 | id:1021876 -
mifi/lossless-cut: The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing [https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut] - 2022-02-05 18:11:08 - public:xxx downloads, editor, tools, video - 4 | id:1021874 -
Runno - run pyhton in the browser or iframe [https://runno.dev/] - 2022-02-02 19:44:25 - public:xxx browser, iframe, online, python, run - 5 | id:1021841 -
Push Notifications, WebXR, and better PWA support coming to iOS - firt.dev [https://firt.dev/ios-15.4b] - 2022-02-02 19:41:15 - public:xxx development, ios, javascript, js, pwa, support, webdev - 7 | id:1021840 -
Awesome Tech Blogs list and search tagging [https://tech-blogs.dev/] - 2022-02-02 17:33:11 - public:xxx blogs, code, competition, copycat, programming, search, tags, tech - 8 | id:1021836 -
If It Were My Home - compare data from different countries [http://www.ifitweremyhome.com/] - 2022-01-30 16:42:27 - public:xxx comparison, countries, life, live, worldwide - 5 | id:1021793 -
GitHub - liyue201/gostl: Data structure and algorithm library for go, designed to provide functions similar to C++ STL [https://github.com/liyue201/gostl] - 2022-01-30 16:38:30 - public:xxx c++, go, golang, library, stl - 5 | id:1021792 -
Rule 34, if it exist there is porn of it. [https://rule34.xxx/] - 2022-01-29 21:06:29 - public:xxx adults, animation, cartoon, comics, drawings, porn, rule34, sexy - 8 | id:1016247 -
Untitled Diagram - diagrams.net [https://app.diagrams.net/] - 2022-01-29 18:55:13 - public:xxx diagram, Drawing, free, google, online, presentation - 6 | id:1016246 - Diagram builder online like Google Sheets Presentation
Ogene Sing “echoing“ - YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjbfR9NtnNE] - 2022-01-29 18:53:52 - public:xxx acapela, dutch, echoing, nice, polyphonie, singing - 6 | id:1016245 -
TUXEDO Computers [https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/en#] - 2022-01-29 10:52:03 - public:xxx computer, germany, laptop, linux, shopping - 5 | id:1016237 -
System76 - Linux Laptops, Desktops, and Servers [https://system76.com/] - 2022-01-29 10:49:48 - public:xxx laptop, linux, shopping - 3 | id:1016236 -
GitHub - jmaister/excellentexport: Javascript export to Excel [https://github.com/jmaister/excellentexport] - 2022-01-28 21:18:12 - public:xxx csv, excel, export, generator, javascript, library, office, xls - 8 | id:1016230 -
Eloquent JavaScript [https://eloquentjavascript.net/] - 2022-01-28 18:01:57 - public:xxx book, code, javascript, js, learn, online, programming - 7 | id:1016225 -
Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps | Playwright [https://playwright.dev/] - 2022-01-28 17:55:36 - public:xxx automation, browser, chrome, firefox, qa, scripts, testing - 7 | id:1016224 -
Falso | All the Fake Data for All Your Real Needs [https://ngneat.github.io/falso/] - 2022-01-28 17:45:43 - public:xxx data, fake, generator, science, statistics, study - 6 | id:1016223 -
the_cyber_plumbers_handbook/cph_version_1.4_20210829.pdf at master · opsdisk/the_cyber_plumbers_handbook · GitHub [https://github.com/opsdisk/the_cyber_plumbers_handbook/blob/master/cph_version_1.4_20210829.pdf] - 2022-01-28 17:34:37 - public:xxx commandline, cybersecurity, hacking, learn, linux, security, ssh, terminal - 8 | id:1016222 -
clay.css - by Adrian Bece - give fluffy 3d design to your CSS objects [https://codeadrian.github.io/clay.css/] - 2022-01-28 17:16:10 - public:xxx 3d, css, fluggy, library, webdesign, webdev - 6 | id:1016221 -
Window.js - js compiler to exe [https://windowjs.org/] - 2022-01-27 21:21:57 - public:xxx compiler, exe, javascript, js, windows - 5 | id:1010757 -
EVerest - LF Energy [https://www.lfenergy.org/projects/everest/] - 2022-01-27 21:18:49 - public:xxx code, ev, makemyday, software, tools - 5 | id:1010756 -
rasterizeHTML.js by cburgmer [http://cburgmer.github.io/rasterizeHTML.js/] - 2022-01-27 21:14:22 - public:xxx canvas, code, graphics, html, library, renders, tools - 7 | id:1010755 - Renders HTML into canvas element
Vulnerability Charts - PHP versions safe or not [https://maikuolan.github.io/Vulnerability-Charts/php.html] - 2022-01-27 20:46:31 - public:xxx php, safe, security, versions, vulnerability - 5 | id:1010754 -
“המערכת פשטה את הרגל. להוציא היתר בנייה לוקח יותר זמן מלבנות“ - גלובס [https://www.globes.co.il/news/article.aspx?did=1001399569] - 2022-01-24 12:36:28 - public:xxx building, hebrew, israel, law - 4 | id:999507 -
Melancholy Beauties by the Artist Wataboku [https://designyoutrust.com/2021/12/melancholy-beauties-by-the-artist-wataboku/] - 2022-01-19 12:28:36 - public:xxx art, beautiful, drawings, nice, sad - 5 | id:986349 -
GPS – Bartosz Ciechanowski [https://ciechanow.ski/gps/] - 2022-01-19 10:18:36 - public:xxx gps, infographic, learn - 3 | id:986348 -
The WebSocket Handbook: learn about the technology behind the realtime web | Ably Blog: Data in Motion [https://ably.com/blog/introducing-the-websocket-handbook] - 2022-01-15 14:22:09 - public:xxx browser, javascript, js, learn, programming, read, realtime, sockets, web, websocket - 10 | id:986319 -
GitHub - BoltzmannEntropy/interviews.ai: It is my belief that you, the postgraduate students and job-seekers for whom the book is primarily meant will benefit from reading it; however, it is my hope that even the most experienced researchers will find it [https://github.com/BoltzmannEntropy/interviews.ai] - 2022-01-15 14:21:02 - public:xxx answers, code, interview, job, learn, programming, questions, work - 8 | id:986318 -
Brutalita Sans - online font editor [https://brutalita.com/] - 2022-01-15 14:19:16 - public:xxx downloads, edit, editor, font, fonts, online - 6 | id:986317 -
Learn and Test DMARC [https://www.learndmarc.com/] - 2022-01-15 14:11:53 - public:xxx dkim, dmarc, email, emails, learn, spf, tutorial, tutorials - 8 | id:986316 -
Two.js • Homepage - games and graphics drawing library for javascript [https://two.js.org/] - 2022-01-15 12:34:56 - public:xxx 2d, games, graphics, javascript, js, library, performance, programming - 8 | id:986313 -
billboard.js - js graph and charts library [https://naver.github.io/billboard.js/] - 2022-01-15 12:32:34 - public:xxx charts, graphs, javascript, js, library - 5 | id:986312 -