....::::[ FreeBSD Hackers Net ]::::.... [http://www.freebsdhackers.net/] - 2004-03-30 00:49:50 - public:zhesto freebsd - 1 | id:21383 -
phpMyWebHosting [http://phpmywebhosting.sourceforge.net/] - 2004-03-29 16:46:44 - public:zhesto php, programming, web - 3 | id:21384 -
Assembly Language Debugger [http://dunx1.irt.drexel.edu/~psa22/ald.html] - 2004-03-29 16:38:51 - public:zhesto osdev, programming - 2 | id:21385 -
Windows Tips & Tricks [http://www.onecomputerguy.com/tips.htm] - 2004-03-29 06:41:45 - public:zhesto windows - 1 | id:21386 -
D Programming Language [http://www.digitalmars.com/d/index.html] - 2004-03-27 06:24:04 - public:zhesto c, programming - 2 | id:21387 -
This Is Broken [http://broken.typepad.com/] - 2004-03-27 06:07:08 - public:zhesto fun - 1 | id:21388 -
datedmail.py [http://www.jclement.ca/software/datedmail.py/] - 2004-03-27 03:28:53 - public:zhesto python, qmail - 2 | id:21389 -
word press hacks [http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/category/wordpress-hack/] - 2004-03-27 03:28:34 - public:zhesto php, programming, web - 3 | id:21390 -
sync2cd [http://www.calins.ch/software/sync2cd.html] - 2004-03-26 17:10:46 - public:zhesto backup, sysadmin - 2 | id:21391 - an incremental archiving tool to CD/DVD
Trac : The Trac Project [http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/] - 2004-03-26 16:58:04 - public:zhesto programming, sysadmin - 2 | id:21392 -
Web-Insights [http://www.web-insights.net/] - 2004-03-26 09:29:57 - public:zhesto programming, security - 2 | id:21393 - env_audit, socket_wrappers, xinetd
the djb way [http://www.thedjbway.org/index.html] - 2004-03-26 06:17:24 - public:zhesto programming, qmail, sysadmin - 3 | id:21394 -
imprison: imprisons processes to jail [http://js.hu/package/imprison.html] - 2004-03-26 03:21:20 - public:zhesto linux, programming, security - 3 | id:21395 -
SecurityFocus HOME Columnists: Googling Up Passwords [http://www.securityfocus.com/columnists/224] - 2004-03-26 02:19:36 - public:zhesto security - 1 | id:21396 -
exploits through a web browser [http://www.groovyweb.uklinux.net/index.php?page_name=exploits%20through%20a%20web%20browser] - 2004-03-26 01:33:22 - public:zhesto security, web - 2 | id:21397 -
SalvageNTFS [http://www.salvagentfs.com/] - 2004-03-25 08:12:15 - public:zhesto sysadmin, windows - 2 | id:21398 -
BSD Newsletter [http://www.bsdnewsletter.com/Guides/] - 2004-03-25 01:29:15 - public:zhesto freebsd, openbsd, tutorial - 3 | id:21399 -
R-fx Networks - Internet Security Solutions - Projects [http://www.rfxnetworks.com/proj.php] - 2004-03-24 16:55:04 - public:zhesto programming, security - 2 | id:21400 -
Windows 2000 How-to Index [http://www.microsoft.com/technet/itsolutions/howto/default.mspx] - 2004-03-24 09:11:01 - public:zhesto tutorial, windows - 2 | id:21401 -
Pricelessware: the best in Windows Freeware [http://www.pricelessware.org/] - 2004-03-24 01:10:05 - public:zhesto windows - 1 | id:21402 -
Zild Application Server [http://zild.org/index.csp] - 2004-03-24 01:06:48 - public:zhesto c, programming, web - 3 | id:21403 - binary distribution (not open sources)
How to Freebsd [http://www.freebsdhowtos.com/] - 2004-03-24 01:03:05 - public:zhesto freebsd, tutorial - 2 | id:21404 -
phpSecure.info [http://www.phpsecure.info/v2/.php] - 2004-03-24 01:00:47 - public:zhesto php, programming, security - 3 | id:21405 - open source php security related articles and vulnerabilities
pyshaper [http://www.freenet.org.nz/python/pyshaper/] - 2004-03-23 14:16:37 - public:zhesto firewall, programming, python - 3 | id:21406 -
rzip [http://rzip.samba.org/] - 2004-03-23 09:42:15 - public:zhesto sysadmin - 1 | id:21407 - Better than bzip2 for large files
The Labs: Jail Tools [http://www.the-labs.com/FreeBSD/JailTools/] - 2004-03-23 03:45:43 - public:zhesto freebsd, security - 2 | id:21408 -
Fabrice Bellard's Project Page [http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/] - 2004-03-23 02:05:12 - public:zhesto c, programming - 2 | id:21409 - tcc, qemu, qemacs
HowStuffWorks - Learn how Everything Works! [http://www.howstuffworks.com/] - 2004-03-22 14:55:36 - public:zhesto science - 1 | id:21410 -
VMware Workstation 4 -- Documentation [http://www.vmware.com/support/ws4/doc/index.html] - 2004-03-22 09:27:21 - public:zhesto emulator, sysadmin, vmware - 3 | id:21411 -
MailFeed: Generate an RSS feed from a POP3, IMAP, or NNTP mailbox [http://wonko.com/software/mailfeed/] - 2004-03-22 09:05:36 - public:zhesto email, php, web - 3 | id:21412 -
Evolving Frameworks: A Pattern Language for Developing Object-Oriented Frameworks [http://st-www.cs.uiuc.edu/users/droberts/evolve.html] - 2004-03-22 06:19:37 - public:zhesto programming - 1 | id:21413 -
notes on postfix installation/configuration [http://www.topology.org/linux/postfix.html] - 2004-03-22 04:48:35 - public:zhesto email, postfix - 2 | id:21414 -
Booting Windows From CD-ROM [http://www.heise.de/ct/english/99/11/206/] - 2004-03-22 04:23:02 - public:zhesto livecd, windows - 2 | id:21415 -
miniRelay documentation [http://www.blat.net/miniRelay/] - 2004-03-22 03:56:12 - public:zhesto email, windows - 2 | id:21416 -
DS Software [http://members.ozemail.com.au/~nulifetv/freezip/freeware/] - 2004-03-22 03:41:27 - public:zhesto programming, security, windows - 3 | id:21417 -
Knoppix Linux Documentation - Image Your Hard Drive Using Knoppix [http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/ImageYourHardDriveUsingKnoppix] - 2004-03-22 03:27:49 - public:zhesto backup, knoppix, linux, sysadmin - 4 | id:21418 -
LumiSoft - Mail Server [http://www.lumisoft.ee/lsWWW/ENG/Products/Mail_Server/mail_index_eng.aspx?type=info] - 2004-03-21 17:29:41 - public:zhesto email, windows - 2 | id:21419 -
Net::SSH::Perl [http://search.cpan.org/~drolsky/Net-SSH-Perl-1.25/lib/Net/SSH/Perl.pm] - 2004-03-21 17:25:51 - public:zhesto perl, programming, security - 3 | id:21420 -
Setting up a Fast, Stable and Tweaked pc [http://www.antiphon.co.uk/kirkwood/software.htm] - 2004-03-21 17:22:10 - public:zhesto tuning, windows - 2 | id:21421 -
Diskless i386 NetBSD Workstation Report [http://www.swm.ukshells.co.uk/tmp/Diskless-NetBSD-Workstation.html] - 2004-03-21 17:09:30 - public:zhesto netbsd - 1 | id:21422 -
Crypt::OpenPGP - Pure-Perl implementation of OpenPGP [http://www.stupidfool.org/perl/openpgp/] - 2004-03-21 17:09:03 - public:zhesto perl, programming, security - 3 | id:21423 -
ONLamp.com: Database Templates with MySQL [http://www.onlamp.com/lpt/a/4669] - 2004-03-21 16:42:38 - public:zhesto database, mysql, sysadmin, tuning - 4 | id:21424 -
MIT IHTFP Hack Gallery [http://hacks.mit.edu/Hacks/] - 2004-03-21 16:41:31 - public:zhesto fun, science - 2 | id:21425 -
Fun things you can do with a PGP/GnuPG key [http://www.lodestar2.com/people/dyork/talks/2004/oclug/funideaswithgnupg.html] - 2004-03-20 05:26:12 - public:zhesto security - 1 | id:21426 -
Turck MMCache for PHP - Turck Software St. Petersburg [http://turck-mmcache.sourceforge.net/] - 2004-03-19 14:56:53 - public:zhesto php, programming - 2 | id:21427 -
Implement Bayesian inference using PHP, Part 1 [http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-bayes1/?ca=drs-t511] - 2004-03-19 14:55:16 - public:zhesto php, programming - 2 | id:21428 -
Mooter - Web Search [http://www.mooter.com/moot] - 2004-03-19 05:39:33 - public:zhesto web - 1 | id:21429 -
Solar Voyager - Wallpaper [http://www.solarvoyager.com/wallpaper.asp] - 2004-03-19 05:37:06 - public:zhesto space - 1 | id:21430 -
Smarty : Smarty Crash Course [http://smarty.php.net/crashcourse.php] - 2004-03-19 02:22:43 - public:zhesto php, programming - 2 | id:21432 -
CVS Version Control for Web Site Projects [http://durak.org/cvswebsites/howto-cvs/index.html] - 2004-03-19 02:10:08 - public:zhesto programming, web - 2 | id:21433 -