Deep JavaScript Book [] - 2021-07-02 16:56:11 - public:xxx book, deep, javascript, js, learn, online, programming - 7 | id:706952 -
Prestige [!/doc/browser/master] - 2021-07-02 16:48:06 - public:xxx editor, http, online, requests, web - 5 | id:706951 - Online script editor for HTTP requests [] - 2021-06-28 16:08:33 - public:xxx browser, games, javascript, js, learn, online, programming - 7 | id:706909 - Game where you control your spacecraft with JavaScript commands
10 Utility Functions for Working with Objects in JavaScript | by Cristian Salcescu | DailyJS | Jun, 2021 | Medium [] - 2021-06-27 10:15:37 - public:xxx functions, javascript, js, learn, objects - 5 | id:706894 -
Don’t kill my app! | Hey Android vendors, don’t kill my app! [] - 2021-06-27 09:41:48 - public:xxx android, apps, background, google, samsung, vendors - 6 | id:706893 - Check which vendors kills apps on their Android
Tally forms [] - 2021-06-19 16:03:45 - public:xxx create, creator, forms, online - 4 | id:684418 - Create online forms
Viewer.js [] - 2021-06-18 16:58:59 - public:xxx images, javascript, js, library, viewer - 5 | id:684417 - Image viewer library for javascript
WorkAdventure [] - 2021-06-17 07:24:33 - public:xxx 8bit, conference, home, rooms, video, wok - 6 | id:684398 - Work from home, 8bit rooms for video conference
The right tag for the job: why you should use semantic HTML - localghost [] - 2021-06-10 13:47:12 - public:xxx html, learn, semantic, seo, to_read - 5 | id:684340 -
Handsontable is a JavaScript data grid that looks and feels like a spreadsheet | Available for React, Angular and Vue [] - 2021-06-05 14:45:26 - public:xxx datagrid, excel, grid, javascript, js, library, spreadsheet, web - 8 | id:684256 -
An introduction to WebAssembly for JavaScript Developers [] - 2021-06-05 14:40:29 - public:xxx assembly, javascript, learn, webasm, webdev, webdevelopment - 6 | id:684255 -
Unlimited access to real-time US stock market data | Alpaca Data API [] - 2021-05-31 18:34:18 - public:xxx api, data, market, stockmarket, stocks, usa - 6 | id:684215 -
Learn CSS [] - 2021-05-28 18:59:51 - public:xxx css, design, learn, programming, tutorials, webdesign - 6 | id:684198 -
Than Average [] - 2021-05-28 18:58:48 - public:xxx copycat-design, funny - 2 | id:684197 -
Chart.js | Open source HTML5 Charts for your website [] - 2021-05-28 18:50:22 - public:xxx alternative, charts, graphs, js, library, webdesign, webdev, webdevelopment - 8 | id:684196 -
Face Generator – Generate Faces Online Using AI [] - 2021-05-28 15:02:06 - public:xxx ai, face, generator, generators, images, photos, seo - 7 | id:684194 -
NocoDB | Turns your SQL database into a Nocode platform. Free & Open Source. [] - 2021-05-28 14:52:59 - public:xxx airtable, alternative, competition, excel, opensource - 5 | id:684193 -
Cryptography from the Ground Up [] - 2021-05-27 17:58:35 - public:xxx cryptography, learn, security - 3 | id:684179 -
How to get HTTPS working on localhost - Konstantin Bogomolov | Web Developer [] - 2021-05-27 17:56:52 - public:xxx apache, howto, https, localhost, nginx, security, ssl, tls, webdev - 9 | id:684178 -
The Full Story of the Stunning RSA Hack Can Finally Be Told | WIRED [] - 2021-05-27 17:55:36 - public:xxx china, hacking, rsa, security, to_read - 5 | id:684177 -
Ayrshare - APIs for Social Media Posting [] - 2021-05-27 16:32:19 - public:xxx api, automation, post, seo, social, socialmedia, socialnetwork - 7 | id:684175 -
Remix Icon - Open source icon library [] - 2021-05-26 18:47:29 - public:xxx download, downloads, free, icon, icons - 5 | id:684158 -
Nyxt [] - 2021-05-21 18:06:20 - public:xxx browser, development, downloads, nyxt, program, programming, scripts - 7 | id:684091 - Programmable script browser nyxt
GitHub - nidhaloff/deep-translator: A flexible free and unlimited python tool to translate between different languages in a simple way using multiple translators. [] - 2021-05-21 18:02:12 - public:xxx api, opensource, python, translate, translator - 5 | id:684090 -
OpenVisionAPI [] - 2021-05-21 17:17:02 - public:xxx ai, api, images, objects, open, opensource, processing, vision - 8 | id:684089 - API for AI image processing and vision object detecting
Modern Everything you missed over the last 10 years by Sandro Turriate [] - 2021-05-21 16:20:57 - public:xxx javascript, js, learn, new, programming, webdev - 6 | id:684088 -
WebAssembly [] - 2021-05-21 16:18:09 - public:xxx assembly, browser, programming, web, webasm, webdev - 6 | id:684087 -
Vitess | A database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL [] - 2021-05-20 17:48:44 - public:xxx cloud, database, db, distributed, mysql, performance, robust, scale, shard, sql, vitess - 11 | id:684070 -
Arrived Homes | Easily invest in rental properties | Real Estate Crowdfunding [] - 2021-05-20 17:45:36 - public:xxx buy, groups, house, income, marketplace, money, purchase, realestate - 8 | id:684069 -
PINTR [] - 2021-05-15 19:37:00 - public:xxx algorithms, canvas, converter, image, images, lines, nice, online, photos - 9 | id:684001 - [] - 2021-05-15 18:38:20 - public:xxx homescreen, seo - 2 | id:684000 -
Retarget Someone Else's Sites & Apps | Repixel [] - 2021-05-15 18:36:08 - public:xxx ads, marketing, marketplace, pixelart, retarget - 5 | id:683999 -
Increase Performance and lifespan of SSDs & SD Cards [] - 2021-05-13 16:46:49 - public:xxx hardisk, hd, linux, performance, ssd - 5 | id:683978 -
Email explained from first principles [] - 2021-05-13 16:45:55 - public:xxx articles, Email, emails, explained, learn, smtp - 6 | id:683977 - Everything about the email and smtp protocol
Iconoir | Free Icons [] - 2021-05-13 15:15:53 - public:xxx downloads, free, icon, icons, opensource - 5 | id:683972 -
[1283] A Lock Picking Game Changer? - YouTube [] - 2021-05-08 15:34:11 - public:xxx breaking, locks, picking, tools - 4 | id:683910 -
Dataset Search [] - 2021-05-08 15:15:40 - public:xxx data, dataset, goo, google, marketplace, research, search, searchengine - 8 | id:683909 -
Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data Science CommunityKaggle: Your Home for Data Science [] - 2021-05-08 15:05:17 - public:xxx analysis, competition, data, datascience, dataset, machinelearning, marketplace, programming, python, science - 10 | id:683908 - Projects, courses and more about data science.
Gamedev.js Jam 2021: Web Monetization and Decentralized category winners [] - 2021-05-08 14:40:28 - public:xxx 2021, browser, games, html, html5, nice, online, winners - 8 | id:683907 -
ReflectoLabs Inc by Ardiam Games, ketziel, tehsquidge [] - 2021-05-08 14:37:39 - public:xxx games, html, interesting, online, time, timeline, travel - 7 | id:683906 - - Easiest Way to Create A README [] - 2021-05-06 18:55:05 - public:xxx creator, editor, generator, online, readme - 5 | id:683888 -
GitHub - lettier/3d-game-shaders-for-beginners: [] - 2021-05-06 16:18:29 - public:xxx book, development, gamedev, games, shaders - 5 | id:683885 -
CSS Filters Generator - Modify images with CSS/SVG only - [] - 2021-05-06 10:00:54 - public:xxx css, filter, generator, html, webdesign, webdev - 6 | id:683868 -
Iconic — Free “do wtf you want with” pixel-perfect icons [] - 2021-05-06 09:58:36 - public:xxx downloads, free, icon, icons, list, webdesign - 6 | id:683867 -
Top Metrics You Need to Understand When Measuring Front-end Performance [] - 2021-05-06 09:58:08 - public:xxx css, development, html, performance, webdev, webdevelopment - 6 | id:683866 -
The Humble Element And Core Web Vitals — Smashing Magazine [] - 2021-05-06 09:55:30 - public:xxx code, css, html, images, img, photos, webdev - 7 | id:683865 -
GitHub - dbgate/dbgate: Database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server and MongoDB. Runs under Windows, Linux, Mac or as web application [] - 2021-05-01 20:28:08 - public:xxx database, manager, mongodb, mssql, mysql, postgreSQL, software, sql, workbench - 9 | id:683822 -
GitHub - readyready15728/awesome-programming-games: An ultra mega giga curated list of programming games [] - 2021-05-01 20:25:50 - public:xxx games, list, lists, programming - 4 | id:683821 - [] - 2021-05-01 20:25:20 - public:xxx browser, games, online, risk, strategy - 5 | id:683820 - Online browser game risk like
Clever Hack Finds Mystery CPU Instructions – EEJournal [] - 2021-05-01 20:20:57 - public:xxx assembly, bytecode, chip, intel, reverse, reverseengineering, to_read, x86 - 8 | id:683819 -