
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing mzimmerm's Bookmarks

[https://nitter.nl/] - - public:mzimmerm
twitter - 1 | id:1414178 -

twitter replacement?

[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Mangold] - - public:mzimmerm
czech, movie - 2 | id:1406541 -

Mangold is Protege a student of milos Forman. Also director of future Star Wars movie

[https://www.quora.com/I-used-chatGPT-to-summarise-some-of-your-opinions-What-does-the-real-living-human-think-of-artificial-intelligence-condensation-of-these-previously-expressed-opinions] - - public:mzimmerm
ai, people.alan.kay - 2 | id:1385017 -

The danger here is that “form very often rules over content” in most of human life, and the current “AI”s have been aimed at mimicking form rather than at understanding content. Given the general state of the public outlook, this is a disaster already well along.

[https://www.google.com/search?q=engine+light+on+stalling+after+taking+new+gas+tank&oq=engine+light+on+stalling+after+taking+new+gas+tank&aqs=chrome..69i57.13664j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_encfZPCwOOyZptQP4tWW8AY_5] - - public:mzimmerm
car - 1 | id:1385000 -

OBD2 tool to check car engine light on - uses the Torque app

With marked bookmarks
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Viewing 951 - 1000, 50 links out of 1584 links, page: 20
