
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing carlosbazilio's Bookmarks

[http://leibniz.ucpel.tche.br/AED2/aed2.html] - - public:carlosbazilio
ed, programming - 2 | id:255316 -

Estudo de algoritmos de compressão de arquivos. Estudo de algoritmos para manipulação de árvores: pesquisa binária, red-black, árvore-B. Estudo de algoritmos para ordenação de elementos: heapsort, quicksort, ordenação por contagem, bucketsort. E

[http://www.free-webhosts.com/free-file-hosting.php?sort=1] - - public:carlosbazilio
util - 1 | id:255320 -

Below is a comparison list of websites dedicated to offering free file hosting service for remote hosting of files - filetypes not usually supported by most free image hosts, yet not as wide-ranging as what most website hosting services would allow to be

[http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/popup-quickstart-podcast] - - public:carlosbazilio
podcast, rss, xml - 3 | id:255324 -

FeedBurner is the missing link between creating an audio program and creating a true podcast that your listeners can subscribe to. We’ll guide you through the process of recording, hosting, and publishing an audio program, then show you how to convert t

[http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/] - - public:carlosbazilio
java, programming - 2 | id:255325 -

This Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language document contains the standard conventions that we at Sun follow and recommend that others follow. It covers filenames, file organization, indentation, comments, declarations, statements, white space

[http://www.mailinator.com/] - - public:carlosbazilio
util - 1 | id:255331 -

Welcome to Mailinator™. It's like super-instant, always-ready, any-email-you-want email. Right now. It's your personal disposable email account.

[http://vamosblogarbr.blogspot.com/] - - public:carlosbazilio
blog, e-learning - 2 | id:255332 -

Conhecimento compartilhado sobre tecnologias educacionais informatizadas.

[http://www.educacional.com.br/articulistas/betina_bd.asp?codtexto=636] - - public:carlosbazilio
e-learning - 1 | id:255339 -

Sete motivos para um professor criar um blog

[https://secure.mouse2mobile.com/clients/nokia/americas/vCard/5phonenumber.asp?phoneId=328&countryId=81&networkId=289] - - public:carlosbazilio
6230, util - 2 | id:255341 -

Enter Contact

[http://www.wpdfd.com/editorial/basics/index.html] - - public:carlosbazilio
css - 1 | id:255346 -

If you are frightened by the prospects of using Cascading Style Sheets, there's no need to be. Using a computer can be daunting for someone coming to it afresh but after a while, you think nothing of it. It all comes down to taking small steps to begin wi

[http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_ascii.asp] - - public:carlosbazilio
html - 1 | id:255350 -

HTML and XHTML uses standard 7-BIT ASCII when transmitting data over the Web.

[http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/clmt/latex4ling/] - - public:carlosbazilio
latex - 1 | id:255354 -

These pages provide information on how to use LaTeX for writing Linguistics papers (articles, books, etc.). In particular, they provide instructions and advice on creating the things Linguists standardly need, like trees, numbered examples, and so on, as

[http://palazzo.pro.br/] - - public:carlosbazilio
research - 1 | id:255358 -

Este site oferece informações especializadas, técnicas, dicas e material complementar para facilitar a sua vida na Web. Além disto são apresentadas técnicas e métodos para aumentar a competitividade utilizando-se dos recursos oferecidos pela Web pa

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