
Yet Another Bookmarks Service

Viewing carlosbazilio's Bookmarks

[http://digital.library.upenn.edu/books/] - - public:carlosbazilio
livros - 1 | id:255367 -

Listing over 20,000 free books on the Web - Updated August 18, 2005

[http://www.last.fm/] - - public:carlosbazilio
music - 1 | id:255371 -

Join the social music revolution at Last.fm. It's fun, it's free, it's all about the music.

[http://www.digitaldivide.net/] - - public:carlosbazilio
blog, e-learning, research - 3 | id:255373 -

The Digital Divide Network is the Internet's largest community for educators, activists, policy makers and concerned citizens working to bridge the digital divide.

[http://www.pdfonline.com/] - - public:carlosbazilio
pdf, util - 2 | id:255376 -

PDF Online (formerly goBCL / goHTM) provides you with quick and free document conversion into PDF and HTML formats. As a web-based server solution, PDF Online allows you to convert documents automatically, from your PC or your Mac, from your home or your

[http://mico.ead.eee.ufmg.br/~cursoc/] - - public:carlosbazilio
ed, programming - 2 | id:255380 -

Este curso foi implementado na UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais pelo Núcleo de Ensino à Distância da Escola de Engenharia - fazendo parte de um projeto apoiado pela Pró-Reitoria de Graduação da UFMG, através do programa PROGRAD97/FUNDO-F

[http://wiki.wordpress.org/Plugin] - - public:carlosbazilio
blog - 1 | id:255382 -

Plugins are extensions to the basic functionality available in Word Press.

[http://publications.gbdirect.co.uk/c_book/] - - public:carlosbazilio
ed, programming - 2 | id:255392 -

This is the online version of The C Book, second edition by Mike Banahan, Declan Brady and Mark Doran, originally published by Addison Wesley in 1991. This version is made freely available.

[http://www.surfare.net/~toolman/temp/diagram.html] - - public:carlosbazilio
blog, css - 2 | id:255394 -

Como criar diagramas em CSS sem imagens

[http://www.technorati.com/] - - public:carlosbazilio
blog - 1 | id:255395 -

Technorati brings you what’s happening on the web right now.

[http://www.sixapart.com/movabletype/] - - public:carlosbazilio
blog - 1 | id:255401 -

Movable Type is the premier weblog publishing platform for businesses, organizations, developers, and web designers.

[http://www.aypwip.org/webnote/] - - public:carlosbazilio
analisando - 1 | id:255402 -

Webnote is a tool for taking notes on your computer. It allows you to quickly write something down during a meeting, class, or any other time that you have a web browser available.

[http://sergioflima.pro.br/blog/blogs/] - - public:carlosbazilio
blog - 1 | id:255403 -

Sergio Blog 2.2 - Blog com todas as entradas de todos os blogs ;-) Fotoblog - Só fotos (Danh!!). Blog&Física - Só sobre Física e Ensino de Física. Podcasting - Os arquivos dos Podcasting.

[http://www.haloscan.com/] - - public:carlosbazilio
blog - 1 | id:255404 -

HaloScan.com provides a free, easy to use commenting and trackback system for weblogs and websites, allowing visitors to leave instant feedback. By copying and pasting just two lines of code into your site, you will enable your visitors to easily leave th

[http://msrcmt.research.microsoft.com/cmt/] - - public:carlosbazilio
conference, html - 2 | id:255407 -

The Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) is a conference management service sponsored by Microsoft Research. CMT is capable of handling the complex workflow of an academic conference including:

[http://www.inrialpes.fr/vasy/cadp/] - - public:carlosbazilio
analisando - 1 | id:255408 -

CADP ("Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes", formerly known as "CAESAR/ALDEBARAN Development Package") is a popular toolbox for the design of communication protocols and distributed systems.

With marked bookmarks
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