Somehow, using a single parameter can fit any dataset (arbitrarily close, depending on Tau). The function is fα(x) = sin^2(2^xτ * arcsin √α)
Neuromorphic processor is composed of small cpu units, which receive spikes from 'upstream' units (connection=axon), integrate them, and when reach threshold, send the spike to 'downstream' units. For neuromorphic computing, the problem is set up by configuring the axons, which determine what neurons signal to what targets, as well as the code that determines when a neuron sends spikes. From there, the rules of the system determine how the spiking behavior evolves, either from the initial state or in response to further input. The solution can then be read out by examining the spiking behavior of different neurons. “Computation emerges from the interactions of the neurons,“ The end result of this competition is that the neurons that represent features present in the image will be actively spiking, while those that don't are relatively quiet.
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