bash - What's the difference between $@ and $* - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
Short answer is to always use “$@“ (quoted)
Short answer is to always use “$@“ (quoted)
PipeWire is replacement for both PulseAudio and JACK. PipeWire was designed with a powerful security model that makes interacting with audio and video devices from containerized applications easy, with supporting Flatpak applications being the primary goal. Alongside Wayland and Flatpak we expect PipeWire to provide a core building block for the future of Linux application development. Tumbleweed started using PipeWire in August 2021.
Monitor and delete history of Google searches.
The best-known wines from the region include Barolo and Barbaresco. They are made from the Nebbiolo grape.
Running Grails without webserver (container) is IMPOSSIBLE!
Describes how to run without 8080!
Use the command line to run DailyFlightBoot.
Use the Kefir Grains, not the powder. Grains can be used forever. Kefir grains work best when cultured in back-to-back batches, as both water and milk kefir grains require a constant source of food. Although grains require a little more maintenance than a powedered kefir starter culture, they can be used to produce kefir on a daily basis.